Monday, May 17, 2010

T3Blog81 Homework. Devoirs. However you say it, it doesn't sound good.

So the day started off with science. And guess what's for homework? The science chapter 3 package is due next class (i already knew that) and we also have a very .....interesting diagram to draw. I think you might be able to guess, or someone will make a big deal out of it in their blog. Anyways, Ms. Tang seems to be rushing through things with us. She wants to spend quite a bit of time on those labs. I still don't know what type of labs those will be. During english, since we finished our presentations, Mr. Hauk started a new project with us. We have to write a journal entry of a famous person visiting their parents grave. He said it had to do with the subject matter we're going into. I don't understand what he means by that. Are we reading a book about people dying? Who knows. So that project is due on Friday- by the way so is the science diagram. After that, was french. Our skit much be finished sometime this week. I don't know if i'll have enough time to finish it. I'll try i guess. And finally there's math. ooooh Math. I think i finally understand what's happening in math. Now that we have homework There's no guarantee it'll be finished by next class, or the class after that. I don't know why but math always seems to get pushed aside when i'm busy. Maybe it's the fact that he doesn't check our homework.

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