Sunday, January 31, 2010

T2Blog63 Tired....

I'm still tired from yesterday's long Debate tournament. I can't believe it was actually tomorrow. It seems like a life time away. I was really tired today and my mom said that i've been to stressed this week. She made my miss soccer today, but i was pretty tired and i don't think i would've helped much. When i woke up i lazily ate and then lazily watched TV. After a while i started writing my CYU for 10.5 and then my mom said we were going to my granparents house. So i stopped doing my work and we left......My grandparents are going to India and this was sort of like an early good-bye for them. When we came back from their house it was about 8 o'clock. I managed to finish my CYU, but not the chapter review. I guess i could finish it later tomorrow. Today i need to finish writing the information for the english project. After this blog i will continue writing it. I can't seem to think of anything else that i did. Hmm......I'm going to work on english then. ByE!

T2Blog62 Debate.

Hello. So today i woke up at 7 o'clock and got ready for the debate tournament. They said "formal attire" so i wore a black dress. I doubt you want to know that though......When i got there my partner hadn't showed up yet, at first i thought we might not show up (or maybe i was just hoping that). If he didn't show up i wouldn't have to debate....but he wouldn't just ditch at the last minute though. When the event was only 10 minutes from happening, then reality hit. I wasn't as nervous as i had been yesterday. It actually went well (the first debate). The second debate was okay, but i was letting the nervousness get a hold of me a bit and i let to many people ask questions. During the 3rd debate (which was an unprepared topic that we had less than 20 minutes to prepare for) i was pretty bad. I needed to fill 7 minutes of speech and i couldn't manage it. I think i only filled half the time and most of the time i wasn't even clear about what i was talking about. It was a big jumbled mess. In the 4th debate it was balanced. Since the last two debates were unprepared topics we didn't do POI's (standing up and asking questions in between someone's debate) instead we did cross examination. After a speaker has finished speaking you ask them questions about their speech and try to earn points. During my cross examination in this debate i was really good. When i look back at it now i feel guilty because the girl who i was cross examinating was nervous and i think i scared her a bit. My partner thought it was the best cross examination ever. During my speech i also couldn't fill in the whole 7 minutes (only 3 and a half). But at least this time i was clear and short. During my cross examination i wasn't much better, but the person asking my the questions only asked 2 so i don't think i did too bad. Now i'm really tired, but i think the day was really fun. An awesome experience.

T2Blog61 Lot to do, so little time

There was so much that needed to be done today! After school Jimmy and I worked on the English project we have. We didn't get very far because it took so long to make the structure itself. So we're going to have to meet one more time to put all the information on our awesome 3D model of the Mandela. I was relieved after Jimmy left because i really had to review and add things to my debate prep. I spent a lot of time just writing away at it. I'm so nervous about tomorrow, i don't know how it'll turn out to be. I guess i shouldn't be nervous at all, it should be fun. Who cares if i mess up? .... Other than my partner.....Don't want to let him down....Anyways, i spent all night working on it and finally fell asleep content that i couldn't add anything more. I should probably rewind to when i went to school and tell you about my day. Um...well. French was first, and we played a game and reviewed our homework. I did my french homework while i ate breakfast this morning, but it was actually alright because Ms. Ziakos still thought i did a good job. In math we got a review for our AMC 10 test coming up....I really doubt, in fact i know i won't do well in it. I plan on studying for it this next week- maybe not over the weekend though. Anyways, in science we played one of the last science games that hadn't been played before. I think we also had a quiz today, but i can't seem to recall if that was last class or today. Finally there was english. We continued with learning about debate. Since i was worried (and still am) about debate it was good to get a review. After english i wrote 2 book tests and then went home....and after that you know the rest. I should get my sleep now, bye! Oh and I hope you feel better about your cold or fever.....or illness....

Thursday, January 28, 2010

T2Blog60 Lol.

Laugh out Loud! It's so funny!!!! Sorry, i'm trying to be optimistic. I mean it was a good day, but i'm still sort of stressed about stuff i've got to do. Today i spent almost 3 hours doing math. It wasn't as bad as i had thought. So today we worked on our social studies projects (either the Napoleon one or the Important Individual one). I picked Nelson Mandela! I heard about him in a who! K'naan!! Since i didn't know who he was i typed his name in Google and found the answer. He was apparently Africa's prime minister (or some place in Africa i should say). I don't know where, maybe Somalia since K'naan is from there. Anyways, he sounded pretty cool when i chose him. I'm mainly tired because of PE and volleyball at lunch. It really takes a lot from me... But it's so much fun! During foods we had our lab. I don't know why, but lately i haven't liked the food we make in foods. It's either too bland or too.....flavorful..... or just plain gross. Not that i'm criticizing Ms. Mconnan's choice in food. I guess it's hard to find food everyone can eat and will like. What about pizza though? Doesn't eveyone love that? But pizza may be a bit expensive.
Applied skills was okay. I got further on my spiral hat- it was zig zag before, but i changed it. Where are you Mr.Olson? Are you sick or did you go on vacation? Lol. That would be funny. I should go now, i need my rest.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

T2Blog59 Seriously i'm not very original.......

Hello. Today i am tired, but not as much as yesterday, i don't know why though. Today i did physical and mental activity. Hm....and yesterday was a day one as well. Maybe it's because....i got more sleep today than yesturday-although i think it was exactly the same. What else? There must be a difference. PE? Maybe that's tiring me out. Or maybe it's volleyball at lunch-because that's at lunch. Now that i think of it my day 1's are pretty hectic. i guess i run around too much during them.....Hmmm....hopefully tomorrow is less stressful. Any-who, TODAY i was late for french. I had to drop off my science fair board at the office (because i had no where else to put it) and then go to class and i came to school at around 8:23.
"Sigh" Blogging has become a repetitive task. Or maybe i'm just bored.
In math we got more homework and i decided to take a break and try to nap.....didn't work though.....class was too loud. You see i can't work when i'm tired and i was tired because .....i just was. Anyways, science was alright, we had another quiz. Two actually. Then we took a few notes and got worksheets to work on. Shania and I still need to finish off science fair work! This week has been busier than all the rest though! English ended the day with a twist. We are starting our debate unit!!! So today in class we went over debate topics and how to model and find points for debate. That was astonishing and i think i was relieved to find that i got some more practice for the regionals on Saturday. Still pretty nervous about that too.......Well i g2g. Even later than yesterday.....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

T2blog58 I thought i was tired before


Kidding though. I think i have enough strength to pull through the next few minutes. Although with the length of my blogs it probably takes me a bit more than a few minutes to write my blogs....I'm going to be a robot now.......

Morning = Breakfast + walk to school
1st Period = applied skills = substitute teacher (where is Mr.Olson?) + making hat that had zigzags
2nd period = Social Studies = Essay test handed back = 17/20 + New project assigned --> due fri. 5
3rd Period = PE! = tested for pomel horse + uneven bars = Sufficient results
4th period = Foods = Note taking + eat lunch (Do not ask) + demo ---> Boring!!!
Aft. School = debate practice = impromptu practice
Aft debate = 6pm = volunteer @ sunset
Home = eat + science + english + wahhhhh + sleepy
Aft. Home = In bed + sleeping.

A brief Summary of my day. Bye now!

Monday, January 25, 2010

T2(super)blog57 Going to be a long week

Lately i've been obsessed with this singers songs. He's a rapper....maybe. It's a clash between rap and ....maybe pop? The genre is confusing, but his songs are awesome! He's apparently from Somalia where he might've escaped from with his mom. I think they had to leave his brother behind though.....So now he's writing songs about his life and stories of what it was like living in Africa. They are really awesome....You should listen to some of his songs. and and are some of my favorite songs from him. I think he's even supporting this organization that gives things to children in Africa so that they can become better educated.

Anyways, today i was brought to reality about the situation of my life. So many things to do.....This whole week i'll be working working working. It's not right. Just not right. I was glad that today was monday. Monday's are the only days i have nothing after school-this week. Tomorrow = Debate. Wednesday = working on English project assigned today + soccer after that at 8, Thursday = Debate, Friday = Working on english project assigned again + soccer after that at 6:30. Then on Saturday i have my debate tournament all day and then on Sunday i've got my soccer game. So, i don't know about you, but that's a pretty busy week. That english project i'm working on this week was assigned today and is due on Tuesday of next week. Gosh... Science is taken care of for now- i'm completing one CYU a day until friday as i said before. Math = homework due on friday. He's actually going to check it this time. That sucks since i don't do my math homework until the weekend (gives me more time to understand the math instead of getting distracted like i always do. And finally french. We had a quiz/test today. I did not do well on that. The next french quiz we have i'm going to study.....a lot.
I went from :) on Sunday to :( on Monday. Good thing Day 1's are always promising- they never let me down!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

T2Blog56 Ouch! That hurts.

The after effects of the soccer game today were painful! During the game i played really well (we all did) and lost by only 1 point, but along the way i also fell down--several times--. I'm feeling it now as i write my blog because i used my hands to break the fall and now my wrists are in pain whenever i rotate them. It hurts!! So much!!! I might have pulled a muscle or 7 while trying to break my fall. After soccer i went straight to the books! Mainly the science textbook! I took notes on all the sections in the chapter. I've got it all planned out, everyday this week i finish one C.Y.U for a section and then i'll be done all the CYU's by Friday. Then over the weekend i'll finish the chapter review and the flashcards. I doubt the chapter 10 package will be due anytime before that....if it is i'm in trouble. After finishing all those notes i watched a movie until 9 and now i'm writing my blog....Yup, that's basically it. See you on Tuesday then.

T2Blog55 Blah

Hello! Do you like the change in font? Hmm....I think it makes the blog look more alive. it also makes the blog look smaller. But today's blog isn't going to be big so you don't have to worry about that. Like yesterday i slept and ate and watched TV, but i also went to my brothers soccer thingy (maybe it runs in the family). At his soccer thingy....his coach asked me if i wanted to assist in coaching him in his classes. I think i will, i mean i don't have anything else to do on Saturday's. After my brothers class i bought new cleats (for soccer) because mine were on the verge of ripping. These new cleats seem promising, but i still think the other ones were "lucky" in a way. Anyways, after that my brother, dad, and I went to pick my mom up from work and then we finally came home again! At home i finished all my math homework.....with some difficulty, but i finished it! So today was very productive. I've got nothing else to say except.....BYE till tomorrow.

T2Blog54 Sleep, Eat, and watch TV

Friday!!!! I'm so glad there was no school....In the morning i woke up at 8 thinking i had school because my dad kept trying to wake me up. I fell asleep again and woke up at 10 after that. After i woke up i ate breakfast and watched some Tv. I basically watched TV all day long.....Well i also made a graph for science fair and went online. Gosh, science fair seems to be coming so fast. I don't want to leave it till the last possible minute, but it seems to be going in that direction. I'm sure Shania and I will do fine. Other than the graph i didn't do anything educational today. I was going to, but then i didn't. that was my day. That was literally all i did.

T2(super)blog53 Carbon Capton Meeting

If you want the world to be at the mercy of sharks........

Then don't recycle. But if you don't want the world to resemble ice-cream in a cone on a warm summers day..........

Then Recycle! Recycle your bottles and newspapers! Your juice boxes and milk cartons! Recycle the earth! Not literally though......

So today in English we did short 10 minutes presentations for our reading circles. I think it went well.....I'm not as nervous with the MY'ers. Or maybe i'm just better at presenting after the first term.....Who knows. In science everyone was given a pair of glasses and clearly saw all their marks......They weren't pretty (for most of us). It's just a few marks, i don't think i should go berserk over long as i understand the information. At lunch I had that long expected Carbon Captain meeting. I thought there would be more people there....i only saw about 6.....including Me, Eugene, And Iris. We finished some posters and gave them out to teachers. The posters were all about saving the planet and stuff. I hope the next meeting goes better. I think i'll probably tell Avneet (the person who seems in charge of the club) about the tree thing next class. The next two periods went by so fast, i can't even remember what happened. After school i was so tired that i watched TV and then slept for a few hours. When i woke up i ate dinner then watched more TV and then......slept more.....

PS: The shark is saying "Good News! At the current rate of global warming we should be able to just swim over there and eat him in under 5 years!"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

T2Blog52 Too much Physical + Mental Activity

Hello!!! Oh. The font is back to normal.....Anyways, today has been too long. Applied skills was fun, of course. The movie was so's based on a book right? I think i might read that's sounds interesting and maybe i'll understand the movie more. Social studies was one big nightmare. Our essay test was......well one big nightmare. I think i did okay, but i don't think i backed up my points very well. And to think i spent so much time preparing!! After that hour of writing i was happy to be out of class. Somewhere between PE and Foods the day just flew by. Before i knew it, it was 3:15 and time for the dreaded Pre-IB test!!! So i was sitting at the corner of another ordinary table and writing my math portion of the test. I was halfway done and they said that i had 15 more minutes left! Well actually i still had 2 more pages to go. So....more than half way there. I managed to just finish on time, i hope it went well. For the English portion i finished almost 20 minutes earlier. I was reviewing everything when they called 15 minutes so i had a lot of time re-read it and change some answers. During the critical thinking portion-which they gave us the most time for- my brain started hurting. All that thinking......Now i know what it feels to do brain push-ups. After it all i think i was running a fever.....but that might have been the nerves..... So when i finished i checked out everything and then....i was done. It was over!!! I can't believe i wrote that test only 6 hours ago. It feels like an eternity. After the huge test, my brain hurt, but i was still in good health. Since i wasn't feeling nauseous or something else.....I went to my soccer practice which started at 8. When i came back i was very tired.....Now i must study for that french quiz tomorrow......Salut!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

T2Blog51 La La La La La

Hello. Ohhh Same more day until the PRE-IB test and the ESSAY TEST for socials. Those are the two main things i focused on. I don't know what t expect on the Essay Test, but i'm trying to prepare as best as i can. Hopefully it won't be as much on Napoleon because i don't know much about him. So afte school today i took the rest of the notes i needed for socials, but i ran out of time to study for the Pre-IB test. I MAY study after i write this blog, but i don't know. There's no promise. So today was actually okay, except for the math, science, english, and french homwork. I've got a french quiz on Thursday, but i don't know when i'll have to time to study for it tomorrow. Maybe at lunch on Thursday? For math i got more homework; problem solving. In science i got the usual homework: notes, CYU, Flashcards. When we got all our tests/quizes back from Ms.Tang it was a big disappointment for many people....including me. I hope i do better next time.

Finally comes english. We ended our reading circles and are moving on to a group project about our books. It was inroduced today so i still have time to work on it. Now.......Why is this blog name La La La La La? I actually have no idea....let me make a connection.....I typed in La La La La La on Youtube and found this neat song called Oh La La....... When you feel weird/down in th should listen to that song.

Monday, January 18, 2010

T2Blog50 The B Word.

hello again. Oohh i like this font......Anyways, today was awe fully boring- yes i used the B word!!! i mean applied skills was fun- as it always it- watching the deep movie with many meanings in it and social studies was entertaining because we had our recognition assembly during that block, but it was still typical. Too Typical. So normally normal, tediously typical, repeatedly repetitious, that it almost made me fall alseep. Actually i'd like to rephrase my first statement and say that it wasn't boring, but it was very ..... predictable? Yes that's the word. In PE we did our gymnastics thing and in foods we did our lab thing. Speaking of making foods......well the food we've made in the past few weeks hasn't been very good. i mean the food itself doesn't suite my taste. Too many eggs......too little orange juice......I just couldn't eat todays lab. I couldn't bring myself to put it in my mouth. Don't worry i didn't waste anything, what i didn't eat Vanessa and Priscilla and Denise were happy to consume. I settles for refreshing water. Then when i came home i stuffed my face with food.....Today, after school, i worked majorly on socials because the test is on Wednesday. I also studied a bit for the Pre-IB test on Wednesday- the english component at least. Tomorrow will be math and then it's all up to fate. I Hope.... I also think you've grown quite familiar with my most popular phrase in my blogs "i hope" or maybe it's "Anyways". Anyways.....I'll see you during the next day 1.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

T2Blog49 ???? Running out of ideas

So today started out fun. I woke up at the early hour of 9am to get ready for my soccer game. This is the first soccer game of 2010. Another thing i should mention is to never trust weather people. They said it wasn't going to rain....but what happened in the middle of the game? It rained. That's right. I don't mind the rain, but those weather network people should get it right....It's a disgrace. After the soccer game i went straight into my Pre-IB 500 word biography. I read it over and got my cousins advise and my moms advise. My cousins and mom both said it was too informal so i changed it-a lot- and made it more....serious. However, serious doesn't work for me, but when you're writing a biography i guess it should be (especially since it'll decide my future in the IB program). So i spent about 5 hours re-reading and deciding what word to choose.....I finally felt satisfied and put everything for my application together. The only words i can say are "I hope" or maybe...."My fingers are crossed". After the application form was done i took some notes for social studies and called it a day. After this blog i'm getting some well deserved sleep....See you tomorrow!

T2Blog48 Boredom of Saturday.

Okay so today i did some more math homework that i had forgotten i had. Since i missed a day of math two weeks ago- because of the bulldog classic- i forgot that i had to make up for missed homework. Darn that sucks. I thought i wouldn't get any homework. I go and support Churchill and this is what i get in return. Anyways, i spent most of the day focusing on math and english-which i still didn't finish. By the time i was done i was a bit lazy and didn't look over my Pre-IB application. I know I need to be working on it, but i was lazy. I don't usually think of myself as much of a procrastinator, but lately.......Or maybe i need to plan out my days better. Whatever it is i should fix it. Well that was my day....literaly.... I also watched some TV, but that's basically it.

T2Blog47 Tired?

I'm in no mood to blog today. I just want to get it over with. When i came back home after school....i was tired. I had to walk home with two textbooks.....not very good on my back. I couldn't begin to think about homework or Pre-IB or whatever.....i just slumped down on my couch and rested. Rested in this case is watching TV for a few hours. I did get a bit of work done near the end of the day, i almost finished my math homework and i knitted some more of my checkered hat. I hope someone in the world likes an orange and green checkered hat because that's what i'm making. The checkering method turned out greath so far. No complaints. During school we got some english homework (finish the book, answer questions, and finish the reading circle write-ups). In science i didn't get any homework! Well....if you count taking notes for chapter 10 homework...then i guess i did, but other than that. In math i got homework-as always- but at least i finished it today. French......yaayyyy no homework. And i even liked the substitute today. She was even better than the last. If we could rate substitutes that would be awesome (they would always have to stay on gaurd). Anyways, i am tired. Have a nice weekend. Bye!

T2(super)Blog46 2001: A Space Odyssey

Hello! Welcome to the 2001: A Space Odyssey super blog. The pictures you see before you are both images from the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. The first one- the sun rising over a black object- is the central theme behind the movie. At first, when humans were still ape-like creatures, they came upon a phenomenal object. This object (the black rectangular thing in the picture) did not reflect light. This means it was absolutely black and the ape-like creatures were stunned. After seeing the object one ape finds some bones of an animal and learns how to use "apes/mans first weapon/tool". With this weapon/tool he defeats the leader ape of another tribe and the other apes get the watering hole!
In the second picture there is an astronaut walking in some sort of walk-way or chamber. This chamber happens to be completely symmetrical and the main focus of it is to point out the astronaut in the center. So far- up until the part when the humans in the present time in the movie find the same phenomenal object- the movie has been vague. It keeps you guessing about what the movie really is about. You have to keep watching and gathering clues.......I think this is the type of movie which reveals its true intent at the very end. "I wonder", "What If", and "What's that" are probably a lot of phrases said during the movie. Anyways, when the movie ends i'll give my point of view, until then here is a short recap of my day.....

So my day started out normally. First was applied skills, as you can read from the text above. Socials studies wasn't how it was supossed to be. Apparently we weren't supposed to have an assembly today so.....we still had to work in class. Our assembly is on Monday.........During this weekend i really must take notes for the socials essay test- 1st one this year!!!! Volleyball at lunch was fun. I don't really know if we won because the scoring got all messed up, but i don't really mind. PE.......sore muscles.....not very least i'm good at the vault. And finally. Foods! Today was our huge foods test and i think i did well. As well as anyone could've done. Ms. McConnon only puts general knowledge question on the tests so they are easy to study for. Anyways i must go.....need to finish my math homework.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

T2Blog45 No comment

So summing today up in two words would be difficult. I could say nervous and perky or stressful and organized, but those would be oxymoron's. Opp's i forgot to continue writing the blog- i was so immersed in writing the 500 words for the biography. I had some inspiration about the introduction and conclusion. Anyways, today in english it was the usual. We did our reading circle discussions and then read, quite peaceful really(the reading not the discussion). Science was good, i have no more science homework!! Free!!!! Too bad math made up for that lack of homework. I haven't gotten the time to finish it yet and it keeps piling. Tomorrow for sure is my "math" day. Right after debate i will dig my nose into the book and finish it! In french we didn't get any homework and i liked the substitute we had today. She was normal. After school when i went to debate, we did another practice debate round and then they gave us input. It doesn't seem like a lot of time, but by the time i came home it was 6! I only got english homework done and then i went to soccer practice at 8. By 9:30 i came home and now.....i am eating warm carrot cake.....Mmmm....Mmmmm....Good.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

T2Blog44 Been a long Day

I'm going to name this blog at the very end this time. I usually name it in the beginning, but i always go off topic. So three main things that happened today = debate, many tests, and knitting. So in applied skills we've been continuing our knitting project and i'm starting on a hat with checkers on it. I was playing around with the idea for a bit and then suddenly figured it out! It's actually pretty simple, you just need to think about it. I can't wait till we start watching movies in applied skills. And i still need to pick that charity.......i want something local, but also something that involves kids- because most of my hats are small. Yup, so that was applied skills- oh yeah and Shania and I worked on science fair too. We only have one more place to experiment on and we'll be done! Well done the experimenting.....In socials we found out that we have an essay test next week on the french revolution. I hope this essay test goes as good as the other one. I will have to start writing many notes soon. I haven't even read most of the chapter- been pretty busy. I scheduled to read it, but it never happened. Now i'm going to have to. Speaking of tests, next class is my foods test! First one in term two too. I'm going to study tomorrow morning before i go to school because tomorrow it collaborative planning.....Thank Goodness. Finally comes debate. I found it sort of funny how i was freaking out over the deadline and what-not. Turns out not enough people handed in the prep so, i'm in by default! That's awesome and sort of scary....i don't know how it'll be like. I still have debate tomorrow and Thursday so that's that. I should go sleep now.....been a long day.

Monday, January 11, 2010

T2Blog43 busy weeks

Hello, this week i realized we'd be having 3 day 2's. Not that i don't love day 2's, but they can be very long. Actually, most of the time day twos are long because i have something after school that makes the day seem endless. I guess i shouldn't complain, i mean some people don't have day 1's or day 2's, they have all 8 subjects in one day........Now that blows my mind away. How much can you get done in 40 minutes? Anyways today was fine. In English we continued doing reading circles and got about 40 minutes to simply read our books. This week my favorite subject is English because we learn stuff, but it's still doesn't give major homework. This leads me to the next subject; science. In science we do get quite a bit of homework. There is the notes and the C.Y.U for each section and then the chapter review and in this chapter 2 labs. We also have several tests and what-not. Although if you look at it from a different angle, doing all those things for homework will just help you in the long run when you have to study for exams and when you have to study for tests because all the notes are already taken. We also have to make flashcards for each chapter, not to mention the worksheets......If you think about it that's quite a bit for 1 chapter. Anyways, we conducted out second lab today. It went well, better than the second lab. Shania and I are going to finish the lab tomorrow because today i finished my 500 word biography for the Pre-IB application and the C.Y.U for 9.5 and half the chapter review. Tomorrow i'm going to finish all things science related and finish my biography. I keep saying "This week sure is busy" when every week is busy....Well, never mind that on to math. We got 2 lessons worth of homwork because last class most of the class went to the bulldog classic. Actually, maybe it was just me and a few other people......because i think most of the students already had their homework done. One day this week will be dedicated to math alone, since i've got about 3 pages of it to finish. In french we got some homework, but i finished it. And that wasmy day....See you tomorrow in hat making!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

T2(super)Blog42 A, B, C Blogging

A day to remember, that is today. Before Monday i'm always striving to finish that last minute homework. Can't monday just be part of the weekend? Doesn't anyone care about the sad 9nth grader trying to get things done? Everyone has their opinion about the weekend and mine is growing ever so bad. Funny thing the weekend, you want it to come, but then you're just closer to the week ahead. Great, now the day is almost over and i still have a pile of homework stacked up. How about an extension, or maybe another late excuse? I don't think i can finish it all today, but i guess i've got to. Just counting down the hours until times up since the debate prep is due today at midnight. Keep up the faith krishtha, you can do this! Like many i was preparing at the last minute, but i didn't get the e-mail that had very important details in it. My hours have almost run out and with them so has my hope of finishing it on time. Night is dawning and i still haven't finished, this is not good. Oh why? Probably should mention that i will be so relieved after this day ends. Quite a shame that i couldn't use this day to relax, i guess that was Saturday. Right, so i don't think the debate prep i wrote is as good as i could be, but i need my sleep and debate isn't the end of the world. Sorry, i guess maybe next time. Times almost up, i'm just going to send it now so that i don't have to worry. Under the circumstances i think i did pretty good, or pretty well, whatever the term is. Very tired.......Who knows maybe mine won't be the worst? Xylophones can't event relax me now. You know what, i think i'm just going to sleep now. Zzzzzipping around my head so many thoughts, am i dreaming?

T2Blog41 Like gum on a shoe- part 2!

Hello! That was a wonderful sleep. Now to get to work. Wait....never mind. I didn't actually do any work today. I was too busy.....doing other stuff. I really need to learn how to schedule on the weekend. I never do anything until Sunday night and that sort of sucks. Feels like the week starts a day earlier. Anyways, i did do something now that i think about it. I finished english, i also read some more of angels and demons, and i also knitted another hat. So that makes it my forth hat! My next mission is to try out checkered designs. I think i have the method, but i'm not sure, i've got to try it out first. So i guess this day wasn't a TOTAL waste. Did some stuff.......Like gum on a shoe.......or maybe like Cake on a dress (a white dress). Yeah and Saturday obviously has the smallest blog of the week. Okay i've got to go watch some TV or something, maybe i'll read some more. bye!

T2Blog40 Tired so Tired.....

So after school today Shania and I were supposed to work on our final experiment for science fair, but I forgot that i had a dentist appointment after school today. We had to postpone our final experiment until next week. It's okay as long as we get it done....The dentist appointment was filled with X-rays and teeth impressions. Shivers down my spine when i think back to it. When i got home at 4 i contented myself with knitting and finished another hat! I'm so happy, hat making is a lot easier than scarf making. I still have to figure out which charity i should donate my hats to. This reminds me of when someone and I-i can't recall who it was now- were talking about the charity we were going to give it to and that someone said "what if the charity doesn't accept our hats, what if they don't like them?" We all laughed at that. This also reminded me of the time my friend was telling me that she had a banana and she was going to give it to a homeless person, but he didn't accept it! He said "Eww i hat bananas!" I guess even homeless people have taste- bananas really are disgusting, like a slug crawling down your throat. Anyways, soccer today was a vigorous training. We ran....a lot. I think our coaches are being really hard on us because somehow we always die down in the second half of our games. Now comes the tired part, i was so tired that i simply changes and laid my head to rest on my bed and next thing i new i woke up and it was 12. What a sleep.....i think it was more than 12 hours. 14 maybe.....ahh looking back to it i wish i was there again.

T2Blog39 Debate Disaster

So main events of today = debate warm-up and PRE-IB information night! Oh yeah and that science lab we had to do too. So anyways, today after school i had debate and we were doing sample/warm-up debates and i volunteered. I just wanted to get a taste of it, but boy did i not need that. I messed up a lot. Basically i didn't know how to say what i had to say. It was very sad, many pauses in between and what-not. I even said in the middle of it "Yeah and I'm obviously not that good at debate". It was the stage fright mixed in with the sense of what do i do? So anyways, that's one thing i've got to work on. That horrible incident aside, today was the big parent information night for IB and Pre-IB. It was.....quite intimidating. I felt like i was being absorbed by this huge blackhole with 300 other people and whoever got out the other end were the lucky chosen few. Although after the information night i felt a lot better. They said the application is going to be online tomorrow so i'll start writing the 500 word biography on the weekend. I want to think about it before i start writing, to prevent what we call "writers block". I so hope i get it, TOK (theory of knowledge) sounds like a lot of fun, i mean it sounds like you learn philosophy in it. Philosophy is something i might enjoy. Anyways, TOK isn't until the actual IB program, although i hope i get into pre-ib as well. Now i have 3 main things to worry about, Debate, science fair, and PRE-IB applications!

T2Blog38 Wednesday....

I had no other idea to name this blog, so i named it Wednesday. Isn't Wednesday such a good day? Especially since it was a Day 1! I almost forgot that this is the first week back from break. It seems like i got into the normal school routine pretty fast. I mean one minute it's Sunday night, the last day of winter break and the next i'm writing down homework in my agenda. The main events of the week: Debate tournament! Science Fair! Science Labs= 2! And last but not least- my favourite by the way- Knitting! To start off, this whole debate tournament is putting me on edge. On one hand i'm nervous and since i started debate club late i didn't learn about half the things in a debate. I don't think i'll do well in the tournament because i don't know......what to do! I'm trying my best to catch up though, researching types of debates and what-not. Second topic. Science Fair! Shania and I have finished most of our experiments, we need to finish two more and have schedules a time on friday after school. Next week we're going to finish off all the write-up thingy's for it. Like the conclusion and the observation and what-not. As for the science lab, Shania and I are totally on top of it. We're done to pre-labs and are ready for our first lab tomorrow. Now.......Knitting! I love this unit of applied skills. It's so....relaxing. I can't wait to finish my first hat, i'm almost done. The first one didn't really count because the hat was already basically done, i just ended it. So anyways i've got to go finish angels and demons now. C ya!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

T2Blog37 Tuesday = Fatigue`

Yes, i am tired. The days events have withered my insides and i am both mentally and physically famished. "Sigh" But the day must drag on and draw onto a new morning. Who knows what tomorrow has in store, it is a day 1. Many new and unexpected things can happen in a short expanse of time. One can learn many things in one day-that one day being a school day. As english began i found myself intrigued by what new and exciting ways of educated fun Mr.Hauk brought to us. Though this classes idea wasn't as inspiring, the thought of it made me look forward to english classes ahead. Mr. Hauk introduced to us, the quite familiar, literature circles- or reading groups. The announcement was welcomed with groans, but i on the other hand was extremely delighted. Though literature circles aren't very exciting, they don't allow much to be done during english class, except for talking and reading. Those two very pastimes i enjoy extremely.
When i walked into the deafening crowd of intelligent teens, i call them middle years, i knew science was going to be unexpected. We started out completing a former third of a test, which was left undone since before winter break. It was painful and laborious, but it was mainly just annoying. Although the prospect of easily achieved marks is always something that keeps us fueled to strive for better-again talking about middle years.
Whenever i walk into my math class i always feel so relaxed. The atmosphere calls for calm and laid back, but the class could over run a tirade of arguing debaters. Today, i had no contribution to the classes excessive sound, i was writing a test. I had no desire to redo the test, however, the situation called for it (the test that i had done late last year was......misplaced?) Possibly. So once again i plunged into the depths of mathematical formulas and memorization's made last year.
Francais, ma classe finale du jour. Translation: French, my final class of the day. Nous chantons dans la classe. Translation: We sang in the class. When the day finally ended, i realized the day really didn't end. I still had a whole day left to become......Fatigue`

Monday, January 4, 2010

T2Blog36 Monday = Funday

So today was pretty good. It started out devastatingly......First thing that happened in the morning was that i found out all science worksheets were due tomorrow! And i didn't even get any of the science worksheets..... I don't mean get as not understand i mean "get" as in i do not have the worksheets in my possession. So i planned on tracking down Ms. Tang and asking her for the worksheets. I freaked out, every due tomorrow? I only finished taking notes. I managed to finish all the C.Y.U's and worksheets, but i still have flashcards to finish. HOwever, at the end of the day i went to Ms. Tang and asked her when they were due and she said it depended on whether we finished the lab's tomorrow or not. Obviously we wouldn't be able to finish two labs tomorrow so i think in some weird way.......she postponed it? Anyways, I checked about Pre-IB as well.......all info will be given at the information night on Thursday. So Pre-IB is in check. I haven't gotten any farther on debate today, i'll continue tomorrow. Another good part of the day (along with the postponed maybe in science) was in PE when Mr.Mcgilveroy- can't spell his name- said i was the best in the class! I said i would blog about here i am blogging about it. I'm so proud...Ohh i almost forgot, the applied skills presentation. Well, in my opinion it was awesome. Too bad the laser pointer didn't work well on the screen....and the color of the font turned very light. The yellow i chose...was darker. It matched so well......whatever it's done now and i've got it over with. Now there's only hats to make!

T2Blog35 Noooo!

Oh, NO! The break is over. All that time is gone......Where did it all go? I think most of it was spent sleeping . I don't want any surprices when i come back to school, no pop-tests or random assignments. My main focus should be Pre-iB, science fair and also the debate tournament. Currently those seem to be the most important. So that's my plan......HOPE it goes accordingly. Last short blog hope you had a nice break. oooh and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

T2Blog34 Almost Over

The break is almost over and you know what that means......I must finished that homework i was supossed to have done. I basically studied a bit for math and then began researching for Debate. So far i have a few points that i have written down, but there mostly still in my head. I'll finish it off this week..... I must also remember to get the application form for Pre-IB from the IB office. I hope i don't forget. To make things easier i organized a lot of things in my many folders. There's about 20 less pages from 2 of my folders gone!

T2Blog33 2010 has come

Wow it's been so long since i've blogged, a whole year. Did you get the joke? I think you did. Today i found a present under the Christmas Tree for me. It mysteriously came there when my parents and brother got back from the store.....It was my brothers late christmas present to me (although he tried to trick me making me believe i had overlooked the present under the tree). Guess what the present was?......Books! Two Book i had asked for, Angels and Demons and The Da Vinchi Code. Happiness filled my heart! I started reading immediately. Angels and Demons is about scientific stuff.....about this particle physics who created antimatter and worked at CERN. He died and one big sample of antimatter was stolen. Robert Langdon has less than 24 hours to find the antimatter......I wonder how the story will end.

T2(super)Blog33 New Years 24/7

Feeling a lot better. And New Years eve was awesome! I played video games at my cousins house all night long. At the end of it all my eyes seriously started hurting, but it was worth it. Before the New Years Celebration i finished off my science notes......YAAAAaaaaaay! What a relief to be rid of one task off my lengthy list. Now i've got a couple dozen more to go......

T2Blog32 Getting Better

Still sick, but not as sick as I was yesterday. I spent my day reading. Yup I am quite a bookworm when it comes to books. If it's my birthday i would love to get a book....Nobody listens to me though! They all think a book isn't a good present. If only they understood......Anyways my head hurting from the blaring computer screen so i will go now.

T2Blog31 Sick, Sick, Sick

Feeling sick-er-. It's not a nice feeling. Today I tried to do some more homework (homework being taking notes for science, or studying for math, or researching fro the debate topic). Anyways when i did try, my head kept hurting- or throbbing is more like it. Nose is very Stuffy......I'm running out of time to finish all my homework. It's very discouraging.

T2Blog30 Why does this happen all the time?

I know this is pretty repetitive , but why does this happen all the time? I got sick. Nothing too serious, but i still felt terribly horrible. So today i did nothing. A recap of my day would be....stay in bed.....stay on! I just sneezed.That's been happening a lot lately. Ouch sneezing hurts my head I don't like sneezing. Although I like it better than Coughing! Okay so i will go getting tired typing.

T2Blog29 Kids Day

Today was a kids day. Or maybe it was children's day.....Since all the children of the family (kids 10-24) hung out today. Yesturday we decided to watch Avatar today. The day didn't go as planned though- meaning we didn't go too watch the movie. We even cam e 2 hours early for the movie, but there was already a line up of over 75 people (not that i counted). I guess Avatar really is a good movie if people are coming over 2 hours earlier to watch it a week after it has come out. Maybe next time......Life Lessons......Next time come earlier.......

T2Blog28 Boxing Day = Not a day to shop

Normally people would go shopping today for the best sales and what-not, but my family did not do that this year. We would normally, but this year we were hosting a sort of birthday party special for my brother, grandfather, and mom. Anyways, we spent the whole day preparing for the party-ish thing in the evening. I was cleaning my room and the rest of the house not as fun as i though. Although roaming through crowded malls isn't very fun either. Anyways, short blog for today. Merry Christmas! Happy Boxing day!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

T2Blog27 Eve better than the day

I know it may sound strange, but i always have a better Christmas eve than Christmas day. Yes, you may call it bizarre, or totally wacky, but to me it's normal. Maybe it's the fact that i usually open all my presents before christmas and the fun of christmas day is sort of already lived- Maybe......I THINK i started taking notes in science, but the day was so long i couldn't tell if i did science yesturday or today. that is strange. Memory Loss..... I don't have short term memory like that person in that movie....momento, but it's awfully close. Sometimes i'm thinking and i totally forget what i was thinking 2 minutes later. It's like those thoughts can never surface.......Like a dream you had and you completely forgot it 5 minutes after you woke up. You almost remember it, but can' confusing.......

T2Blog26 Xmas = So close

Christmas Eve! I'd never have thought it would come so fast.....
For my brother i got this teddy, which he sort of "hinted" that he wanted. I think i should mention that he's a big fan of teddy bears. I got one of my friends a hat and the other friend a candle fountain thingy (it's supposed to sooth the mind). Anyways today i went to my cousins house to celebrate Christmas Eve. It was very fun, i can't describe it any other way really.
