Sunday, February 28, 2010

T3(super)Blog02 Go Canada Go!

Stereotypes of Canada.....
Hello again. So i'm going to skip my soccer game today because recounting every even of the day would make this blog tedious and long. After the soccer game, which was shortened on a count of the hockey game, we watched the hockey game. Canada vs. USA! Playing for gold! Who will win???? Well it was obvious that it was going to be Canada, but it was still fun watching the game. My parents thought the game could have been better. They thought US could have been playing a lot better than they were, but they still wanted Canada to win. Long story i don't want to tell at this moment. Anyways, at the interval between the extended 20 minutes and the last goal US had scored my dad dropped my off at Winnie's house. Winnie and I were supposed to finish out french skit today. We did, but it took us a while. We stopped for short 3 minutes breaks to watch the closing ceremony and highlights of the game. That last goal was awesome. Anyways, after the lengthy hours i spent at Winnie's house i was glad to be back home. This is where i procrastinated some more and forgot to study for my science test. Whatever, i know i'm getting a B next term. It was bound to happen. Anyways, i must go...i'm watching some figure skating to celebrate the end of the olympic games.

T3Blog01 Party!

Today was a great day. Why you may ask? Because no educational work has been accomplished and i spent the whole day with my friends. Not something i do very often. My friends birthday was last week but she decided to have her party today. So we all went to metrotown and watched Valentine's Day. We didn't actually want to watch it, our main plan was to watch Shutter Island, but the birthday girl and I had forgot our GoCards. Apparently you need to show them ID to tell them that you are in fact over 14. Seriously though do i look like i'm a 10 year old trying to get into a movie? I had my 8th grade Go Card, but they didn't accept it. Why did the people at the theatres suddenly have to become concerned with security today? Gosh, so anyways we watched Valentines Day. It wasn't that bad, but i would have had more fun watching Shutter Island. After the movie we went out to eat and an Indian Restaurant. We couldn't finish all our food though. There was too much! So my friends packed it and then i went ......nope not home.. I went to watch another movie! My parents decided to watch the indian movie in Theatres. So i watched two movies today. That second one was sad.....I couldn't help but tear up. Anyways i've got to go. Need sleep for tomorrow's soccer game.

T2Blog89 Shania is right : Live for SLeep.

Hello! I do better at the soccer try outs today. I think it's the rain and mud that put me off my game last time because this time i did well. Next time, being Tuesday, I should try harder. I really do want to make it on the team. Anyways, today was the lasy day of the week! Hurray! First thing in the morning I had a Demo for foods class. We're making pudding.....chocolate pudding. I can't wait for that lab to happen. In PE we continued with orienteering and table tennis. I didn't go to half of PE though because i was volunteering for Carbon Challenge again. I collected many of the survey's on the first floor and then i was almost late for Social Studies because i hadn't changed out of my PE clothes yet. In socails we continued with our lesson on how people grow food i guess. We went into the depths of the three field system and how it affected society back then. Quite an interesting class. In applied skills I continued working on this hat i've been working on for a while. I'm getting quite good at it and i think we should start watching that movie....Shutter Island......maybe next class? I don't know.....just a suggestion.

T2Blog88 No Title today.

So today was the last day 2 of the week. Many things happened today. In french class we had our last "practice/make" the presentation for our oral project. Winni and I only have about a page (barely). We really need to work on it over the weekend. It will probably be left until Sunday though because i'm busy on Saturday (i'm going to my friends birthday party). If your asking "What about Friday" i'm shaking my head and saying tisk tisk. You can't seriously expect me to do any work on Friday. After french was math. Since today was the big pascal math contest Mr. C decided to give us a break and watch the olympic figure skating long program. That was the best class today. In science we handed in a bunch of things and then had a quiz and then worked on science fair stuff. I keep forgetting to ask her about Shania and My logbook that has been missing for quite a while. I must remember to ask her next week. After science was the big debate in english. I don't think i did as well as i could have. My public speaking skills aren't good when it comes to speeches and debates. I think it's easier to debate in front of total strangers too. Maybe i'll figure out new methods to get over the stage fright. Anyways i'm sleepy and I'm almost done the bag so bye!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

T2Blog87 Soccer Mania

I really am running out of titles for my blogs. Today was a major soccer day though. During my first try out for the 8/9 soccer team (because they didn't have enough grade 8's) i didn't do very well. I don't know why, but i felt like i wasn't trying hard enough or something was slowing me down. I think it was the grass, but i'm not one to blame. Seriously though the grass was so high and muddy that when you stuck your cleat in it would sink and when you stuck it out it would make this crazy noise that sounds like a plunger. Mr. Buime, if that's how you spell his name, is the coach and he cut try outs short because of the hockey game. Canada vs. Russia! We won!! Go Canada Go. Anyways, enough about tryouts, my day was tiring. In foods we did some sort of review for our quiz, but it didn't help much. In PE we started our orienteering unit where we go around the neighborhood and find things....Today it was fire hydrants. Half that class we did that and the other half we played table tennis. Not my best sport, but it's fun. After PE was Socials. We are starting our new unit but i don't know what it is. We had a class dedicated to disgusting today. Yes,'s this joke Mr.Martin told us. One of his students was talking a lot and when Mr. Martin asked what we was doing he replied "I'm Disgusting" instead of "i'm discussing." Anyways, we'll be laughing about that for a while. And finally applied skills, i worked on Mr.Zhuang's bag. I think its almost done.....I don't know how to end it though, Mary gave me the crash course, but i forgot what she said. That was the school day. Then at around 8 i went to soccer practice again. That was more fun than the try outs. Well bye then,

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

T2Blog86 Rain, Rain go away. Don't come back till another day

Hey! So it's raining outside and that just doesn't seem right. What happened to the sunshine, the splendid glimpse of a good summer to come? Whatever, all i wish is that tomorrow not be the same weather as today. I have soccer try outs and i would hate to run in the rain....It may seem fun, but it ain't. Anyways, today French was in the morning. I spent most of my french class finishing off what i thought was a science make your dream house project that was due today, but it wasn't due today. Turns out its due next much for all the time i spent working on it yesturday.Winnie and I also wrote about 2 sentences for our big french presentation next week. We only had 15 minutes so you have to give us some credit for writing anything at all. During math class we had this quiz (i hope it was a quiz) on the pascal test on Thursday. Speaking of which i have to go early on Thursday because i have to write the pascal test! Why? I don't want to wake up earlier than everyone else....I want to sleep in. Also during math i realized that Vania wasn't here and that i wasn't going to do my debate with mary, wayne and Vania because Vania wasn't here. So now i think we're going last next class. I wanted to go today though....even though i had way too much to say. I still need to shorten my speech to about 4 minutes so i can fit everything in. You see, i have 8 and a hlaf minutes of stuff to say, but only 8 minutes to say it. And about 2 minutes of that 8 that i have will need to be said other than the speech i have written, so i need to shorten my speech to 4 minutes because that's how long my main speech will be. And then i need to shorten my other Rebuttal speech down to 2 minutes. Not-including Points of Information (when someone stands up and asks you a question) I have way to much written. I'll be racing through my speech very fast.... My day ended with Carbon Challenge! So we finished the poster/graph today. It's all stuck up on the window and good. We need to add some more things to the legend, but i'm sure Iris could finish that off quickly. It's just a couple of things. I should go now. Need that 8 hours of sleep....

Monday, February 22, 2010

t2bLOG85 WOW, FORGOT to turn the capS OFF

I'm going to speed log today!!!! I'm currently brushing and very tired from finishing all my science homework (well most of it). DOn't ask how i brush and type, it's a mystery only i know the answer to. And no i can't type with one hand, well i can but it takes a while. So anywho, today was a day one and it was sooo tiring. First thing in the morning I had a lab that i didn't know i was going to make. We cooked soup and cheese sticks, not cooked.....created? Anyways, that was so filling that i didn't even need to have lunch. Right after foods i had my langara run, which i also didn't have a clue about. I beat my time by about a minute! So after that gut wrenching experience, since i had just eaten a half hour before the run, there was volleyball at lunch. My team made it to finals!! Apparently we're first ranking right now, but i haven't gone in a while. Because of .....certain carbon challenge meetings....After an awesome win in the volleyball game, i had my essay test! Napoleon was a tyrant and no one can say anything against it! Except for the people who choose reformer as their essay topic. Oooh no it's 11:03......I'm going to sleep in 2 minutes. Hopefully. Anyways, after that long horrifying essay test i went to applied skills. I really wanted to learn how to crochet today, and i did sort of. I took a 60 second crach course with Mary. She said i was a fast learner! Lol. OMG, i just said LOl, now you've got to know that i'm tired. Well See you later. Hope Mr. .....our principal (can't spell his name) stops breathing down your neck. The graph will get done don't worry.......

Sunday, February 21, 2010

T2Blog84 Fun Stuff

Okay so today i woke up at around 10am to get ready for my soccer game. I wasn't up to going to it today, but i couldn't just not go. So i got ready and my dad dropped me off to the game. It was way to sunny outside, i do not like running when the sun is glaring down at my face. I especially don't like it when i have to run so much. I was in defence today and played all of first half withuth water. I had no idea i was dehydrated and when i went to get my water i found myself getting very dizzy. So i only played the last 20 minutes of the game instead of all of second half. Anyways, after that my family and i went to the richmond oval or that track and field place i went to last year for the track finals. There wasn't much there so we left within an hour. When i got home boy did i have some homework to catch up on. I finish the chapter review and 25 questions for science and i also made an outline for the essay test tomorrow. Now all i have to finish is the house project and i think maybe chapter C review. 43 question of pain = the Chapter C review. I totally forgot i had to finish it until today. Talk about memory loss. Anyways, i need my sleep now. Bye!

T2Blog83 Feb.20

February 20th happens to be a very important date. First of all it was a saturday! Hurray. That's not was also my parents aniversary today, but sadly we did nothing special. I think sitting at home watching TV was good enough for them. It's not that it's not an important day for them, it's just that my mom had work today and she wasn't in the mood to go anywhere. Anyways, third of all it was also my friend 15th birthday today. I never forget her birthday because it's on my parents anniversary day. And Vise Versa. I went to my friends house for her party at around 6:30. We watched a scary movie, it was actually scary. I think it was the Haunting in Cinnecticut. I would recommand it if you wanted to watch a scary movie one day. Anways, since i went to my friends house at 6, i came home at around 9 and finished my science lab11A. Now that i think about it i don't think i finished any other homework today. Darn. Well i;ve got to go bye.

T2Blog82 My trip to down town

Hey! It's finally friday and today i went to downtown to make the most of all that was free and fun! My mom wanted to go to the museum first to see the da vinci stuff. It was a bunch of Da vinci's drawing of the body and basically the research he did on the human body when we cut them open....shivers down my spine. Good thing none of the pictures were in color. I was feeling pretty queesy during the da vinchi exibit, but when we moved on to the other body stuff if was worse! Sculptures......about the insides of a person. It was brutal to see. There was one painting on intestines and red brother almost made me look. Anyways, after that we roamed around and watched curling for 15 minutes (after that i became very bored). I wanted to go on the zipline, but they had stopped taking people because there was too much wait. I think the maximum wait is 7 hours! That is a lot. I wanted to go really badly, but.....was it really worth it?
Anyways, fun day, but now i'm tired. Bye!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

T2Blog81 Lethargia strikes!

Did i spell lethargia right? I don't think so, anywho today = lazy day for me. I actually started out fine, woke up, walked to school, ran in PE. Somewhere after lunch though, it always gets me then. Social studies wasn't boring or anything (because socials is after lunch) but i think i'd be able to concentrate more if it were before lunch, or even first block. It doesn't work out when it's after lunch. On top of being just a big tired in socials i'm also almost always late for it nowadays. You see, because of the carbon challenge meetings i always leave Mr. Clark's room when the first bell rings and i have to walk to the other side of the school to get to me locker. 5 minutes just isn't enough. I also think mr. Martin is growing impatient with my constant tardiness. I asked eugene to tell him i'd be late, but he forgot. Speaking of carbon challenge, it is a big challenge for us to make that silly graph. Gosh, it's taking up so much time! When i signed up for carbon challenge i thought i'd be doing things with miny trees or handing things out, or even making postersl. A graph though? I don't know how it'll turn out this time. We actually aren't going with the whole graph idea this time. There's too much information to put on one graph so we're sort of showing the results in a chart. It should work out. We made all the plans for it during lunch so i don't think anything will go wrong. As for that darn bag we've got to make, i'm giving you a heads up i probably won't be able to learn how to make a bag in time. All those stitches and chains and whatever else. I only know how to start and make a basic chain. i went on the churchill website, but the instructions were all abreviated and i had to search up the words because i didn't know was ST meant. Apparently it's stitch. Who knew.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

T2Blog79 Day 1 or Day 2?

I thought today was a Day 2!!!! I even brought all my day 2 stuff to school today! It's a good thing i wore runners to school, i wouldn't have had much fun playing volleyball in boots. I thought the first thing i had was french, but it was foods. Since last foods class was missed because of the AMC 10 contest i had to catch up on some homework that was missed. I managed to finish all of it though (it's usually just notes). We got our binders checked today, i took the time to actually organize mine, it took my 20 minutes!!! Too much time spent for binder inspection, but i did get 25 out of 25. I guess it was worth it in the long run. PE was awesome, volleyball rocks!! Social Studies was eh. I can't say i didn't like it, but it wasn't my favourite class either. We took notes, but at least i didn't have to use a lot of brain power for it. Applied skills was also eh. It brought back thoughts of Pre-IB and whether or not i would get it. Course planning..... There are so many choices !!! In the end i choose photography 10 for my half year course and film and TV production for the full year course. I'm also transferring out of enriched next year. It's not the program for me. Anyways, i should go......need sleep.

T2blog78 Pro-D

T2blog77 Avatar!!!!!

T2Blog76 La La La i can't hear you

T2blog75 Phew, TGIF

T2blog74 Science Fair.......

T2blog73 Nothing Done

T2blog72 Field Trip

Thursday, February 11, 2010

T2(super)blog72 Triumf Fiasco

Hello! So our awesome field trip was today. I was a bit nervous about taking the bus at first, but after seeing that i had a map, a teacher, and came half an hour before the late people my worries were gone. I just didn't want to end up in downtown after school when we went back home. It was all good though. I printed out a bus route just in case though, so i was prepared! The tour of the particle accelerator was actually interesting, i thought it would be boring, but it wasn't. Or maybe the noise from all those machines drowned out my sense of boredom for the day. OR maybe i was too scared that the radiation would get me that i couldn't think about thoughts of boredom. Fun, stuff, that radiation is. Chemicals! Anyways, as you can see there are many pictures of the place, but you've probably already been there several times so you know what it looks like. I just wasn't feeling inspired about my super blog this week.

Monday, February 8, 2010

T2Blog71 And the day goes on

Time never stops, even if it did we wouldn't notice. If time stopped everyone would be frozen, right? Because we wouldn't be able to travel through time anymore. If that were the case even if time stopped it wouldn't make a difference to the person it affected. Other than maybe they grew a few hours older. So I'm not going to wish time stopped. That would be stupid. I guess i could wish time went slower, but then homework really would be a pain. Although birthday party's would last so much longer! So anyways, today's blog is going to be short.....I studied for math a lot with my mom and lost track of time. I need to sleep!! Today, this whole week in fact, i have much homework. I have to study for the math test on Wednesday, review french, finish my foods project for tomorrow, science- don't get me started-, and the debates for english are starting on Wednesday!! Too much stuff. I don't have half of it done. I still have much to study for math and i have to write a lot of english still. Tomorrow i'm also working on science fair with Shania and i've been awake since 6 am because i was helping pass out maps in the morning for the Carbon Challenge. The day was actually fun, but the prospect of going home and doing work isn't nice. Blah. I must brush now, see you tomorrow at Triumf!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

T2blog70 Hello, Goodbye

So today reminded me of that song Hello Goodbye by the Beatles. Hello Sunday! Goodbye Sunday! It flew by so fast. It feels like no time at all went by between this morning and now. I think i may need a bit more time for the weekend because i didn't get to rest yet. Gosh, i need to stop procrastinating. I think my new weekend should be Thursday and Friday because i get less work done on those days than i do my weekend. Today i finished my science flashcards, science lab, studied for math, went to my soccer game, finished an english debate point of the topic, and also....calculated the survey results for the carbon challenge poster. I have to meet tomorrow morning for the carbon challenge thingy to pass out things to people....I think they're maps. Anyways, my day went along like that. After i came from my soccer game at 11 i just started working. And here i am writing my blog. Okay i've got to go now. Bye

T2blog69 Volunteering craze

So as you know i volunteered at sunset today. There was this huge olympic event at Sunset, i told you before right? I'm pretty sure i did. So anyways, i was at the button making section of the event. I helped little kids make buttons!!!! Not the sewing buttons, but the one's you can clip on your shirt. It was so cool!! They taught me how to use the special machine and everything. I was there for about 7 hours. From 11am to 6:30pm. It was great. I was, however, very tired at the end of it. The people at the button making section thought i was a really good volunteer and my friend and I were asked to volunteer at the next pre-olympic event at one of the community centres. I might go if i'm not too busy, or else i guess i won't go. Anyways, i have to go NOW or else i'll probably fall asleep at the computer.

T2(super)Blog68 Dun, Du Dun Dun DUNNN!!!

Hello!!!! yaayy... Last day of school!!! I mean last day before the weekend. I can't wait to sleep.....Shania's message is so true "live for Sleep". Nothing better than it. So today, being a day 1, i went to foods class first. We worked on something which i can't remember and then i went to PE. This was the last day for gymnastics and we got tested on our last gymnastics equipment. It was very fun. Very, Very, Fun. It was so fun that i can't even write anymore about it. At this point i think you can tell i'm stretching for words to write. Gosh, it's been a long week. Waaahhhhh. i won't be able to sleep in tomorrow because i'm volunteering the whole day at sunset. I just complained, i don't think i do that very often. Or maybe not as often as other people. "Accept the fate brought on to you, and deal with it". I don't know where that came from, but i'm just writing anything that comes to mind. Talk about speed blogging. 100 words a minute. I should be done by now then.... So after PE was social studies. We handed in our maps and were off to note taking for the Napoleon essay test. I hope it isn't next week. I won't be able to write it next week. Too many things to do!! Speaking of too many things to do i also have to do some sort of math thing for the results of the carbon challenge. I'll probably send the results to eugene later on to make it into a graph, if he can. I don't actually know when the due date for the big poster graph thing is. Anyways i should go. Need. Sleep. Bye!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

T2Blog67 "Fun" Work

Yo. So, french was okay. I always feel sort of crowded in french class because, well, it is crowded. There isn't much space between the desks, especially when i'm trying to watch a video and there is someone right in front of me. So uncomfortable! Now that French is in the morning i am even more tired. Why? Well, I'm not a morning person. I'm more tired in the morning because i'm still trying to wake up and because it's the morning. I can't concentrate in the morning. It's impossible. I should have PE in the morning so that i don't have to use my brain as much. Waking up with a nice light jog is so much better than making up to a new language- and trying to learn it. Anyways, homework for this class = watch french tv! Any type of french TV really, i'm going to watch Ratatouille in french over the weekend. That's all i'm up to doing right now. Next class was math! We had a class long partner math quiz. That's right QUIZ. I reviewed math yesterday, but only for half an hour (it still made a difference though). When math ended......we didn't get any homework!!! Yay. That's more fun than fun work. Anyways, science was next. We did a that i comment, eh. Comme ci comme ca. Then we reviewed some questions from one of the worksheets we were assigned and then......we were assigned lab 10B to finish and basically the whole chapter to finish. I just have to finish the worksheets, flashcards, and lab 10B. Now english!!! I'm so happy about this. Mary and I have some great points for our argument and a lot of information to back them all up. We actually only have 3 points so far, but i'll probably think of one more. 4 is probably enough. Anyways, the work for english is fully write a point that you're going to present out. That will be fun because i've already had practice for debate and it's just fun.....Research is good, it's the presenting that can be the problem. Now other homework that i must finish = socials map of europe in 1812, foods sandwich poster, and applied skills hat making! So basically all the homework i have is "fun" work. The map and poster both have to do with drawing, which is fun. And Knitting is obviously fun. Science and Math (review) may be the only real work i have. Yay.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

T2Blog66 Reality check.

Hello again. *Note* Yesturday's blog was actually for Tuesday.....but i was probably tired and wrote Wednesday because i wanted the week to move faster. Anyways, today is the real Wednesday*
Umm......Really busy i guess. So many things do to.....Socials map due = Friday. I still haven't finished coloring. I need to annotate it too!! Math = quiz tomorrow and i studied for half an hour. No comment to what i think the outcome of that will be. Science = Flashcards---> finish! + Lab10A due tomorrow + Pre-Lab 10B due tomorrow + science quiz tomorrow + Worksheets also need to be finished + prob. need to review concepts, but probably won't. Gosh science can take up so much of my time. English = debate! Got my topic, but haven't even looked into it yet.....that sucks. I was actually looking forward to debate, but now it may just be a lot of time spent researching. Hmm.......That ain't good. I can't wait till tomorrow though because after school i have debate and then i'm going to watch the One Act Plays! Definitely on the top of my priority list. Today, i wasn't tired after school, but now i am. I just had soccer practice and i also had PE today. Since it was collaborative planning though i slept for a long time. Almost 10 hours i was awesome......Anyways, applied skills was bibliography time. I didn't know we sucked at making bibliography's that much. Ms. Shipley (i think it was her) said that she would mark our bibliography's really tough. *Sigh* Anyways, i'm tired and i want 8 hours of sleep today. Bye!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

T2Blog65 So lazy this time

Blah! I was not late for french today! Yay.... I missed half of french class anyways because of HPV shots. The shot didn't hurt as much this time, though i feel sorry for all the people who had to get more than 1 shot. One of my friends had to get 4 does that work out? So anyways, french was easy because i barely went to it. Math was harder, we got homework today and we have a quiz next class. Tisk, Tisk, Is this quiz goes as well as the last i will literally be failing math. Gosh, if only it wasn't so.....hard? After math, was science. In science we did our lab 10A and watched a video in class. English was awesome though. Mr. Hauk was so overwhelmed by our projects that we spent all of class simply looking, admiring, and explaining each of our projects. I think it was part of the project....but i have no idea. Everyone's projects were awesome, i mean you would totally believe it was a real middle years class with the way those projects looked. They were just so awesome! You could tell a lot of hard work and dedication (and maybe a few tears) were put into it. Everyone got pictures of the projects too, but i forgot my cell phone so i couldn't! The memory won't last for me...Anyways, Shania, Jimmy and I's project was hung up from one of the lights. I think our's will probably stay there for a while because nobody would want to get it down, it would take a lot of work considering the work put into it to get it up there. Yup.....and after english i went to Shania's house. We worked on science fair until 6pm. We've finally started on the board! Thank goodness.....
Now i am tired. So I'll see you tomorrow. BYe!

Monday, February 1, 2010

T2Blog64 Scientificness

I wish i could see into the future and find out what was going to happen to me. It would make life so much easier. If i knew that Ms. Tang was going to assign another project (which i don't know if she will) then i could have all the time in the world to prepare for it. But i guess that isn't going to happen. A) We don't have the technology to look into the future....unless the light reflected off my future self comes to me...that would be cool! B) I don't even know if "future" exists. What if we only have the present? Hmm....questions to ponder.

Today.....= Monday = First day of the week.
Many unexpected things happened today.
My brother lost his tooth.
Shania, Jimmy and I finished our english project on time (because this wasn't expected of me)
We didn't run in PE today
And.... I'm going to sleep before 11 !

I'm so happy about that last one.....ahhh....8 hours of full sleep. Heaven......
So anyways, foods was boring.....we learned about why we eat certain foods in life. The different factors and what-not. I'm seriously thinking about not taking foods next year because the class isn't as fun as i'd thought it'd be. My math class is more fun than foods! When that happens you the universe it about to collapse. PE was fun, since Ms. Bretherton had to continue with the testing we didn't have to do our run today! So happy..... Then in Mr. Martins class we worked on our mapping project which i have just barely started. Really need to catch up on social studies... And finally Applied skills. It was interesting watching that guy talk about dark matter and dark energy. So basically we don't know if dark matter or dark energy exist- it's probably as probable as a monkey that could talk. But if we don't know whether it exists and we can't see it and we can barely detect it why are we researching it? Why are we trying to observe it? I know we all want to know how the universe started, but would the answer to that question really be worth finding out? What is the answer is unpleasant and spells out everyone's fate. It's better to live your last few days in clueless happiness than in knowing fear. And what if we realize that the universe will live forever?..... Then what will happen. Will we just keep on living with our lives? You know what would be cool. If we finally made the technology to travel through space and found people that were the exact opposite of us like "Anti- People". If there is anti- matter why not ani-people?