Wednesday, February 3, 2010

T2Blog66 Reality check.

Hello again. *Note* Yesturday's blog was actually for Tuesday.....but i was probably tired and wrote Wednesday because i wanted the week to move faster. Anyways, today is the real Wednesday*
Umm......Really busy i guess. So many things do to.....Socials map due = Friday. I still haven't finished coloring. I need to annotate it too!! Math = quiz tomorrow and i studied for half an hour. No comment to what i think the outcome of that will be. Science = Flashcards---> finish! + Lab10A due tomorrow + Pre-Lab 10B due tomorrow + science quiz tomorrow + Worksheets also need to be finished + prob. need to review concepts, but probably won't. Gosh science can take up so much of my time. English = debate! Got my topic, but haven't even looked into it yet.....that sucks. I was actually looking forward to debate, but now it may just be a lot of time spent researching. Hmm.......That ain't good. I can't wait till tomorrow though because after school i have debate and then i'm going to watch the One Act Plays! Definitely on the top of my priority list. Today, i wasn't tired after school, but now i am. I just had soccer practice and i also had PE today. Since it was collaborative planning though i slept for a long time. Almost 10 hours i was awesome......Anyways, applied skills was bibliography time. I didn't know we sucked at making bibliography's that much. Ms. Shipley (i think it was her) said that she would mark our bibliography's really tough. *Sigh* Anyways, i'm tired and i want 8 hours of sleep today. Bye!

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