Tuesday, March 30, 2010

T3(Super4)Blog31 LIke walking through Jello

HI! So, so far this week i have been having very busy days. Today, in french we had Mrs. Greskiw as our substitute. I didn't really understand that because she isn't a french teacher at all (in fact she only made it up to grade 9 french). It's a good thing she gave us candy if we finished our work, or else i would never have finished. Bribery works. I wish it worked in math though. Today we had a quiz (a partner quiz) and i think i did well. Although i probably only did well because Sharon was my partner. I need to review all the questions before the math test on Thursday. Hopefully that won't be as hard. I also hope that the track meet tomorrow won't go on for too long because i need to study when i get home. As the day went on, I made my way to science. So far in science i think i'm passing (like 50% passing) because the two quizes we've had so far i had completely done horribly on. The quiz today was okay, but i should start studying for those random quizes that Ms. Tang said we wouldn't have....She said we'd only have one big test at the end. Gosh! The hours and a bit went by so slowly, by the time english started i was feeling really lazy. During our test i am sure i got many questions wrong, partly because i was away one of the days and didn't know what one answer was and also because i'm not very good at analyzing poems in half an hour. It's not my forte. You might be thinking why the title is "Like walking through jello" well, the day seems as though i've been walking through jello. In other words the day went by soooooo slowly! You know how jello is very jiggly and if you were small enough to walk through it, it would probably take a long time because it's so thick. Although if you could make bowl of jello big enough i'm sure you could walk through it when you were actual size. No one would try that though......sad. Although i was okay with the jelly of the day during track because i had a lot of fun today. I beat my length for Javelin, and practiced long jumping for a bit. I wasn't even that tired.....This is where i'd shout Hurray and run off into the distance. Anyways, when i finally got home at 5:30 i had some homework waiting for me. I continued writing my rebuttal for the debate, i did a sort of "masterpicece" poem for english, and i did about 10 flashcards and read a quarter of section 13 for science. I was going to study for math but there was no time. Now i'm going to salvage what's left of my reading time. Good Bye then!

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