Thursday, March 18, 2010

T3Blog20 Vow Of Silence

Since it was the vow of Silence i am writing Thursday's blog today (Friday). Yesterday, I was lazy after school because i was tired after track practice. It's the first one i've been to and It was brutal. Anyways, in english we learned about diction, imagery, and basically analyzing poems. We have to write a pastoral poem for homework. I've already finished! I finished it yesterday while watching TV. My poem is about this person who is dead (it's actually not that sad of a poem) and looking back at their life and how fun it is. Later on they start missing their life and in the end they end up thinking about all the things they did and didn't get to do. Anyways, that's done and out of the way so now i can focus on other things. We got our marks in science and I'm getting 85.8 i hope Ms. Tang bumps me up to an A. Hopefully...... It's sooooo close! We took more notes and watched more videos in science. I'm hoping that science project we have counts for a lot so that even if i do get a B i can get good marks on the project and get bumped up for term three. Math was confusing. We started the enriched part of the enriched 9 math class...... I gotta tell you i didn't understand anything at all. I'll need to spend a few hours getting the concept down. We have homework too so that should be good practice. During the last class of the day we got our marks and reviewed the whole chapter for the test on Monday. So far my marks for day 2 are 90%- French, 79% Math, you already know science, and 90 something in English. Pretty good for the second report card. Anyways i must go.... bye!

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