Friday, March 12, 2010

T3Blog11 Dentist

Hello! I"m alive! I mean i'm awake, not like my last few blogs. If you noticed i wrote those at around midnight. Although today i'm writing on midnight too, but i'm awake today. There is a big difference. So anyways, dentist wasn't that big of a deal. I thought there would be a huge appointment, but it was only 15 minutes long. The dentist basically kept reminding how expensive the braces were and how i should not waste money and always wear my retainers. I do wear them quite often, just not always. So anyways, after that i went home and did some english homework ---i was so proud of myself----. I also ended up finishing 2 sections of notes for science (12.1 and 12.2). They were the longest sections ever. It took me longer than usual or maybe it felt longer because i'm still in my spring break mode. My brain doesn't work as fast. After science i watched more TV and here i am! ...... Okay my brother wants me to play with him so i must go.

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