Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Another nameless blog... Anyways, in french we ended our very long- 1 term long in fact- chapter. On Monday we're going to have a huge chapter test and I'm studying all this week to prepare for that.....at least i hope I do or else I'm in trouble. In Math we had math homework, but i didn't get to finish all of it, it's a good thing we have next class to finish it off as well because apparently we're a section ahead of the other class. Math was one of the only things i actually studied during break. I think i understand the chapter so far. Hopefully it doesn't get any harder than what it's like right now. Anyways, after math i had a filling lunch and then during science we watched two very dull videos. They were basically reviews of what we learned in applied skills first term. So anyways, Ms. Tang tells us that we have a science project about our current unit so that should be fun. Gosh i just want the term to end! Anyways, english was fun, We got to write our own poems as well as fill in a bunch of worksheets. The worksheets we somewhat of a pain, but I didn't really mind. I like poetry. Anyways, i didn't sleep again after school, but i didn't start any homework until 9 so i think that makes up for the lack of sleep. Anyways, i must go i'm going to be sleeping earlier today!! Yayyy!

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