Sunday, March 21, 2010

t3Blog23 Pondering.

Hello! So today i've been pondering. Yes, pondering many things. Actually it's mostly about my future. I was talking to one of my friends who completely detests middle years, pre-IB, IB and basically anything that includes smart people....he has a stereotype for us people. He thinks that people in IB and MY think they are better than people in the normal program and that they only go into these programs to show how smart they are to people. I told him he's got it completely wrong, but he's stubborn and won't change his opinion. At least he doesn't think that about me. Anyways, what he was saying got me thinking about my future in Pre-IB and eventually IB. I don't want it to be "torture" according to him. I really doubt it'll be i mean my cousin survived didn't she? I'm not having seconds doubts, but i'm just pondering about what i've gotten myself into. I'm still going through with it, but in the end will it make a difference. Well I guess it will, but again is it worth it? My cousin told me that they say right in the beginning that you can live without sleep so don't go complaining to them that your not getting enough. Scary things for a ninth grader to hear......Anyways, i must go i want to get all the sleep i can before it ends.

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