Wednesday, March 24, 2010

T3Blog26 Tired, Bored, and Hungry

Wednesday, tell me again why i used to like it? Or maybe that was Thursday......i'm suffering from memory problems. It's because i'm tired, i can't think straight. I came home and was in no mood to do anything. I basically slept for an hour and then went outside to take my dog for a walk and play with my friend, but you don't want to know any of that. I didn't get to homework until after 8 so i ended up only finishing my english homework. At least somethings done.... We have a few projects that i should get started on. Socials-- Debate. Science--- Online Poster project. French --- Fashion unit (project will eventually come). Umm....and we always have something for applied skills. So yeah. I also had math homework which i only got 3/4 done. On top of all of that i have french stuff to study for, which won't be studied until a week before the test. Ahh the life if MY, how it is getting so old. I realized that maybe i should write my blogs a little bit earlier. Now i think of it, 3 months before my blogging will end. Anyways, for science i want to get bonus marks so i will attempt to finish a lot of notes and flashcards. Wish me luck. It's actually the best way to study so i guess i won't be studying! During english we explored the wonderful world of sonnets. Yayyyy......(being sarcastic). Actually it wasn't that bad, i was just so tired from the past 6 hours i didn't get to enjoy it as much. Tomorrow i have either track or debate after school and i don't know which to go to. I think debate will win because i haven't gone to it in a while. Anyways i must go. Another one of those "sleep" excuses.

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