Sunday, March 28, 2010

T3Blog28 Weeks over.

Finally this week is over!! I don't know why but i keep listening to the "Lean on me" song ever since we heard it in class. It's so addicting!! I can't get it out of my head, yet i still can't remember all the lyrics of the song. I think it's because i always used to sing the wrong lyrics (randomly making up lyrics of song as i went on) and now those lyrics are stuck in my head. Anyways, Friday was a day that ended pretty quickly. I'm glad i had nothing after school today because i played outside with my friend and we had a great time. I forgot how much fun it is playing outside. Well, i got some math homework today and i have a math quiz and test next week. I also have a sonnet, english test, and some sort of project due on Wednesday as well. There is some minor socials homework from yesturday that i should do, but won't until later. I also need to start with the socials debate, science project and notes and flashcards and other tiresome things, and finally applied skills... Busy days are coming ahead. Not just because homework, but because i have a busy track week next week too. A track practice on Monday and Tuesday, and then a meet on Wednesday. I still don't know how i'm getting to the meet. Gosh. Makes me want to sigh every few hours at the thought of it. Anyways, i'm cutting this blog short i need sleep.

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