Thursday, March 4, 2010

T3Blog05 Happy Times

Hello. Can't think of anything to say. I just want the week to end. Why won't it end??!?!?!? French presentation today: that was alright. Winnie was a bit too nervous. I think she let her nerves get the best of her on this one. Maybe she was nervous about the pronunciation of the words. She did spend a lot of time asking me how to pronounce things. Math = math homework. I don't want to do any homework! I only finish up until question 9, i hope we don't get any math homework next class. I wouldn't want to have math homework for spring break. Spring break should be a happy and relaxing time. Not time to catch up on homework.....Anyways, science = okay. We got a bunch of tests/ recent assignments back. I did really well on everything that came back, i hope it boosts me science mark. Anyways, english was fun we basically had time to work on our poetry poster. Now we have to write a poem about the topic we had to do on the poster. Mine is conceit. It's an elaborate poetic image or comparison between two very different things. Anyways, i must go i'm modeling for my cousins art project. Lol.

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