Thursday, March 4, 2010

T3Blog06 Disappointed.

So today i got a ride from my mom to school. I wasn't late today. Before i went to my locker i went to look at the soccer team postings.....i didn't make it. It's so sad. Some of my friends didn't make it either.....but i really did want to be on the team. So sad......I guess today i was sort of sulking in the tragic news. In foods we had a short test that i know i didn't do well in. By "didn't do well" I mean i got a B. Most probably. PE was okay. I almost got lost during orienteering, but in tennis i had fun. I'm not that bad in tennis. Social Studies was a working class. We made yet another web this time about the industrial revolution. We ended class off on a good note though, Pictionary! I think that was the game......Anyways, the guys ended up winning, but it was still a great way to end a class. Now on the Applied skills. Gosh, i guess the only thing i can say is that i got a long way on my new hat. I finished it today in fact and i started another one. I have decided to donate my hats to an Orphanage. I just don't know of any local orphanages. I'll probably have to look online. Hope there's one in Vancouver or else i'll have to mail the hats. What's the fun in that? Unless i get a thank-you letter back.....that would be nice.....Anyways, i must go...i need to brush my teeth.

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