Sunday, March 28, 2010


Hello! So don't exactly know what i did today. I read a bit in the morning, actually a lot. I have decided to finally buckle down and finish the Da Vinci Code before the weekend is up. I hope this task isn't too great for me. Yeah so i read and then i ate and then i realized that it was too late to go to the store and get me a bike. You see I was promiced a bike on my 14th birthday and it's been six months and no bike. I didn't really care for the bike then, but now i actually need it. I want to ride it outside and maybe to school, helping save the environment one pedal at a time! Ignore the cheesy line please. Anyways at 5 i went to my soccer tryouts for the new season next year (not that i'm not getting in, it's basically to see new faces). I had loads of fun and exercise! After that i went to my aunt and uncles house. My uncle had been under the weather and we payed him a visit. When we came back i promised myself i would actually do something productive. So i wrote about half my sonnet for english class (it took an hour). Gosh....sonnets are hard. Iambic Pentameter is what really gets you. Unstressed and then stressed syllables are driving to the point of extinction. That last sentence made no sense at all, you see that's how hard Iambs are!

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