Friday, March 12, 2010

T3Blog12 Nothingness is gone

I didn't not do nothing today! If that means....i did something....then i did something.

First thing in the morning i woke up at 8 and worked on English again. After eating breakfast and waking my brother up i called my cousin and we all walked around Langara. DJ (my dog) came along as well. He wasn't tired at all after it. After the run, i finished most of my socials project, i just need to print it out and practice speaking (which probably won't happen). After almost finish socials I ate dinner then packed my things to go to a sleep over to my cousins house. We (including my brother) stayed up till 3 in the morning watching a movie. It was a really bad movie, we watched it because we wanted to make fun of it. It's one of those weird things i do. Anyways, even though a did many things today this blog has been one of the shortest of the week. Hmmm....quite bizarre.

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