Monday, March 22, 2010

T3Blog24 Good Monday

GoodNight! .... I'm not saying good-bye, but there isn't really any other way to greet someone in the night now is there? Anyways, i only went to two classes today because i had a doctors appointment. The last two blocks, english and science, were missed. I got to Ms. Ojolic, but i didn't find ms. Tang so i can't really hand in my note yet. Actually Ms. Ojolic didn't really need a note, so i only have to get it signed by Ms. Tang. I don't think i missed much because apparently the only homework in english is what was due today (because everyone got the criteria wrong) and in science the booklet isn't due until later. Anyways, the first two blocks of school were good. French test first thing in the morning wasn't pleasant, i think i did well though. Enough for that A i'm maintaining. After the 80 minutes long french test, i had math. We moved on to more enriched things, but i got an hour long session with my mom that cleared pretty much everything up. I think i won't fail math this time. Everything seems to be under control now. I think that's a good sign. Maybe i just don't have as much homework though. Anyways, after school i finished my math homework (one of the few times i finish it the day it was assigned), i also worked on the socials debate, and did half of 12. 4 CYU. Now i think i'm going to sleep early or maybe read before i sleep. I like this Monday......

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