Sunday, March 14, 2010

T3(Super2)Blog14 Hat Donations Abroad.

Gello again! .....Opp's i mean Hello again. So today i did a lot of work. It's Friday today and as you know the week is almost over!!.....ooooh nooo......Anyways, i did a lot of work today. I did a bit of math review and started on my bibliography for my socials project and most importantly I created my hat gift things which i'm going to send to an orphanage somewhere in the world. I decided to send them to an orphanage in Nepal. It gets pretty cold in Nepal and it's also a pretty poor place, they probably don't have recreational stuff. Anyways, I did some research and sent an e-mail to the orphanage, i hope they e-mail back! Actually i not only hope they e-mail back because i want them to know i gave them the hats, but also because i need their address..... Anyways, i told my mom and now she's all excited about it, i think i might slip in a few of my brothers teddy bears.....Do they have teddy bears there? Well if they had a website they must have a ......hmm... i have no idea. Anyways, i've got a lot of planning to do to mail the package......

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