Monday, March 1, 2010

T3Blog03 Count Down: 4 more days

There are four more days until spring break (not including today of course). Today day a day two though, sad i know. French, then math, science, and finally english. Four of the hardest subjects of grade 9 all in one day. French class was presentation time! Winnie and I were done, but we still had some revision to do. Our script isn't the best in the world, luckily we did not present today! I guess it'll all be next class then. I really don't want to have to do anything on Friday. That would extremely suck. Anyways, in math we started our POLYNOMIAL unit. so far it's pretty simple. At least i understand it.....So far. I'm going to review everything we learned in polynomials this week during spring break because i know i need the practice. Anyways, during science we had our HUGE, ENORMOUS, LARGE, SKYSCRAPER-ISH LONG, Unit C test. It was 100 questions! The fact there were so many questions was a real downer, but the test itself wasn't that hard. If you read the text book you would know it all. She also gave us time to make a mini cheat sheet to use, but i only needed it a few times. It didn't help much, which should be a good thing, but why waste so much time studying if your going to have a cheat sheet anyways? Oooh well, i hope i did well on this test. It could boost my mark up. Finally, the day ended on a bizarre note. We started our poetry unit with Ms. O....i don't know how to spell her name so it's Ms. O until i find out. We watched some crazy rap video's that had some very serious messages in them. We had to use our brains.....not a good thing during final block. Anyways, i'm going to try and sleep earlier today so see you!

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