Thursday, March 11, 2010


No title today. I don't want to write any, just happy that it's finally spring break. Yaaay!! I didn't want today to be a hard day with homework for spring break, but it didn't turn out that way. The first thing that was suggested to do was study. Suggested because you can't make a student study, but if it's for a big unit french test then i guess most people will study. Math was even worse. We actually got homework! ..... Homework that we had to finish. I managed to finish it though!!! Skipping a few questions along the way. I'm planning on studying for math during the break because it'll probably help my grade. Then during science, well do i really need to explain my homework here? I mean obviously we got homework and obviously it was a lot. 12.1-12.4 notes + CYU + Flashcards up till then. And 6 worksheets. Why? I have no idea. Anyways, then last period; english. I handed in the poem that was due and then we were assigned a new assignment which is due on Monday night first day we come back. Although this may not seem like much it is a lot of stuff when you add it all together. Not to mention i still have to donate my hats and finish that socials project. Gosh! At least one thing was good about today...... DUN DUN DUN

I got into Pre-IB!!!@! yaaaaayyyyyy

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