Monday, March 29, 2010

T3Blog30- Speed blogging part 2

Hi! So here is another version of speed blogging. This time i'm trying to catch a TV show that i really don't want to miss. It's the new season and the last episode was sooo suspensful i shan't miss it! Not shan't, but can't! Anyways, today was a day 1. And 3 more days of school! Thank god for Easter Break. Ummm....what should i write. Well i'm right now i have a bunch of plump juicy strawberries in front of me. They are saying "Eat me, I'll taste goo." I really want to eat them.....Ohh i just remembered what happened today. In foods we had to take notes = BLAH! I don't like taking notes. Who takes notes in foods? Anyways, in PE we started our soccer unit. I loved it! In socials we finished our movie. Dr. Gabott was our sub for the class. I wasn't feeling that nervous about it, but i thought he'd at least talk to us about something before the movie started. It was just attendence then turn the screen on. It doesn't really matter... Umm....again writers block. Ohh yeah for applied skills. We did all our presentation. You saw them. I was doing Unicef. I mean who doesn't know about Unicef? Actually i guess we all have forgotten about it since halloween and trick of treating. If i had to choose between make a wish and UGM i would choose UGM. They help people that are in need. I mean make a wish is a food organization too, but many people donate to them anyway. Umm.......right so after school = track. After that i walked home in the cold weather. And after that .....Homework. Oh Gosh the time is late i missed 2 minutes of my schow....bye!

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