Wednesday, March 31, 2010
T3Blog32 Tired! But not becuase of homework
So yes, i am tired today, but this time the culprit isn't homework. I actually think i have a good grasp on my homework. Currently, I may be a bit behind on the projects i have to finish, but other I think i'm maintaining those grades of mine. I felt as though they were slipping when I came back from spring break. I guess i pulled it together. Anyways, today's tiredness was due to the fact that i had my first track meet today. After all the mental fatigue at school i got to rest the brain and concentrate on physical activity. Although physical activity also includes using the brain, but a different part of it (so i'm not blowing the circuits of one part of my brain while leaving the other part to melt away). I think this type of exertion is bad everyday though because my eyelids are drooping and i can barelly type this blog. At least with only mental exertion i can stay up all night only feeling a bit sleepy, but not actually fall asleep in class. On the other hand physical exertion is healthier than mental, it just seems better for you. hmm.... it seems as though i can't make up my mind in this mater. Oh well.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
T3(Super4)Blog31 LIke walking through Jello
HI! So, so far this week i have been having very busy days. Today, in french we had Mrs. Greskiw as our substitute. I didn't really understand that because she isn't a french teacher at all (in fact she only made it up to grade 9 french). It's a good thing she gave us candy if we finished our work, or else i would never have finished. Bribery works. I wish it worked in math though. Today we had a quiz (a partner quiz) and i think i did well. Although i probably only did well because Sharon was my partner. I need to review all the questions before the math test on Thursday. Hopefully that won't be as hard. I also hope that the track meet tomorrow won't go on for too long because i need to study when i get home. As the day went on, I made my way to science. So far in science i think i'm passing (like 50% passing) because the two quizes we've had so far i had completely done horribly on. The quiz today was okay, but i should start studying for those random quizes that Ms. Tang said we wouldn't have....She said we'd only have one big test at the end. Gosh! The hours and a bit went by so slowly, by the time english started i was feeling really lazy. During our test i am sure i got many questions wrong, partly because i was away one of the days and didn't know what one answer was and also because i'm not very good at analyzing poems in half an hour. It's not my forte. You might be thinking why the title is "Like walking through jello" well, the day seems as though i've been walking through jello. In other words the day went by soooooo slowly! You know how jello is very jiggly and if you were small enough to walk through it, it would probably take a long time because it's so thick. Although if you could make bowl of jello big enough i'm sure you could walk through it when you were actual size. No one would try that though......sad. Although i was okay with the jelly of the day during track because i had a lot of fun today. I beat my length for Javelin, and practiced long jumping for a bit. I wasn't even that tired.....This is where i'd shout Hurray and run off into the distance. Anyways, when i finally got home at 5:30 i had some homework waiting for me. I continued writing my rebuttal for the debate, i did a sort of "masterpicece" poem for english, and i did about 10 flashcards and read a quarter of section 13 for science. I was going to study for math but there was no time. Now i'm going to salvage what's left of my reading time. Good Bye then!
Monday, March 29, 2010
T3Blog30- Speed blogging part 2
Hi! So here is another version of speed blogging. This time i'm trying to catch a TV show that i really don't want to miss. It's the new season and the last episode was sooo suspensful i shan't miss it! Not shan't, but can't! Anyways, today was a day 1. And 3 more days of school! Thank god for Easter Break. Ummm....what should i write. Well i'm right now i have a bunch of plump juicy strawberries in front of me. They are saying "Eat me, I'll taste goo." I really want to eat them.....Ohh i just remembered what happened today. In foods we had to take notes = BLAH! I don't like taking notes. Who takes notes in foods? Anyways, in PE we started our soccer unit. I loved it! In socials we finished our movie. Dr. Gabott was our sub for the class. I wasn't feeling that nervous about it, but i thought he'd at least talk to us about something before the movie started. It was just attendence then turn the screen on. It doesn't really matter... Umm....again writers block. Ohh yeah for applied skills. We did all our presentation. You saw them. I was doing Unicef. I mean who doesn't know about Unicef? Actually i guess we all have forgotten about it since halloween and trick of treating. If i had to choose between make a wish and UGM i would choose UGM. They help people that are in need. I mean make a wish is a food organization too, but many people donate to them anyway. Umm.......right so after school = track. After that i walked home in the cold weather. And after that .....Homework. Oh Gosh the time is late i missed 2 minutes of my schow....bye!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
T3(super)Blog30 Busy bees don't know the meaning of work
I should be named the Busy Bee this week (kidding though...never say it aloud). I actually did a lot of homework today. And i don't mean the "doing homework in front of the tv" homework, i mean the "in your room with the door closed" homework. I was in my room for 3 hours, finishing off math, english, and social studies. I didn't get to science today, but i have accomplished much! While finishing off math homework i only had one troubling question (which was a ray of hope in the foggy abyss i am in during my math class). I'll probably ask either Mary or my cousin about it. I don't know who knows more, but one of them should know. It depends who i talk to first. For English i finally managed to finish that poem (not even well at that). I also finished a bunch of questions in a worksheet i didn't do because i was away. The socials questions were the only things i know i did well at finishing because there were only 3 questions and the answers were obvious. Today i also bought my new bike!!!! This reminds me i also finished reading Da Vinci Code.... How did i finish so much in one day? Well the fact that i got 6 hours of sleep today should explain much. For the other 18 hours of the day i was being a very productive person. Anyways, I have sighed for the last time today. Good-byE.
Hello! So don't exactly know what i did today. I read a bit in the morning, actually a lot. I have decided to finally buckle down and finish the Da Vinci Code before the weekend is up. I hope this task isn't too great for me. Yeah so i read and then i ate and then i realized that it was too late to go to the store and get me a bike. You see I was promiced a bike on my 14th birthday and it's been six months and no bike. I didn't really care for the bike then, but now i actually need it. I want to ride it outside and maybe to school, helping save the environment one pedal at a time! Ignore the cheesy line please. Anyways at 5 i went to my soccer tryouts for the new season next year (not that i'm not getting in, it's basically to see new faces). I had loads of fun and exercise! After that i went to my aunt and uncles house. My uncle had been under the weather and we payed him a visit. When we came back i promised myself i would actually do something productive. So i wrote about half my sonnet for english class (it took an hour). Gosh....sonnets are hard. Iambic Pentameter is what really gets you. Unstressed and then stressed syllables are driving to the point of extinction. That last sentence made no sense at all, you see that's how hard Iambs are!
T3Blog28 Weeks over.
Finally this week is over!! I don't know why but i keep listening to the "Lean on me" song ever since we heard it in class. It's so addicting!! I can't get it out of my head, yet i still can't remember all the lyrics of the song. I think it's because i always used to sing the wrong lyrics (randomly making up lyrics of song as i went on) and now those lyrics are stuck in my head. Anyways, Friday was a day that ended pretty quickly. I'm glad i had nothing after school today because i played outside with my friend and we had a great time. I forgot how much fun it is playing outside. Well, i got some math homework today and i have a math quiz and test next week. I also have a sonnet, english test, and some sort of project due on Wednesday as well. There is some minor socials homework from yesturday that i should do, but won't until later. I also need to start with the socials debate, science project and notes and flashcards and other tiresome things, and finally applied skills... Busy days are coming ahead. Not just because homework, but because i have a busy track week next week too. A track practice on Monday and Tuesday, and then a meet on Wednesday. I still don't know how i'm getting to the meet. Gosh. Makes me want to sigh every few hours at the thought of it. Anyways, i'm cutting this blog short i need sleep.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
T3Blog27 Early Bird
I know you must be surprised because i wrote this blog before 10pm! I'm pretty proud of myself because i'll get to sleep early today! One thing about today that i sort of regret is making such a big deal of Eugene pulling Karmyn's hair. I think i might have upset him.....I'll apologize tomorrow. I hope he isn't too mad at me. I don't think so, but who knows. Another thing I sort of regret is not going to track today. I decided to go to debate because i haven't gone in a while. Apparently some people got their jersey's, i guess i'll end up with the badly fitting one. Anyways, i guess this is a day to talk about regrets....Well i guess i regret that i got my locker in that darn locker alley. It's the worst place to have a locker. It's not so much the location, but the people surrounding the area. The MYer's are okay, but the other loud people who have screaming contests are starting to irritate my head. Any other regrets.... nope.....wait! I regret not being fully prepared for writing my socials essay a few weeks ago. Maybe I should move on to things i find i didn't regret, maybe even that i found very impressive. Hmm.... actually maybe next time a good TV show is coming that i don't want to miss. Bye!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
T3Blog26 Tired, Bored, and Hungry
Wednesday, tell me again why i used to like it? Or maybe that was Thursday......i'm suffering from memory problems. It's because i'm tired, i can't think straight. I came home and was in no mood to do anything. I basically slept for an hour and then went outside to take my dog for a walk and play with my friend, but you don't want to know any of that. I didn't get to homework until after 8 so i ended up only finishing my english homework. At least somethings done.... We have a few projects that i should get started on. Socials-- Debate. Science--- Online Poster project. French --- Fashion unit (project will eventually come). Umm....and we always have something for applied skills. So yeah. I also had math homework which i only got 3/4 done. On top of all of that i have french stuff to study for, which won't be studied until a week before the test. Ahh the life if MY, how it is getting so old. I realized that maybe i should write my blogs a little bit earlier. Now i think of it, 3 months before my blogging will end. Anyways, for science i want to get bonus marks so i will attempt to finish a lot of notes and flashcards. Wish me luck. It's actually the best way to study so i guess i won't be studying! During english we explored the wonderful world of sonnets. Yayyyy......(being sarcastic). Actually it wasn't that bad, i was just so tired from the past 6 hours i didn't get to enjoy it as much. Tomorrow i have either track or debate after school and i don't know which to go to. I think debate will win because i haven't gone to it in a while. Anyways i must go. Another one of those "sleep" excuses.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
T3Blog25 Famished....
Gosh, today was tiring. I had PE, track, and then volunteering right after track. By the time i got home i just wanted to go to sleep. That's didn't happen though because my mom wanted me to eat dinner and then american idol came on so now i'm tired and sleepy and writing this blog. By the way, since we're done with the movie can we move back to our old seating plan??? By old seating plan i mean NO Seating PLAN. It's just how it's supposed to be. There is no other way Middle Years can function. It goes against all that "Synergy" stands for. Anyways, another happy thing for today-- Carbon Challenge is almost over! I'm not happy that it's ending, just that I don't have to make another graph.... I get shivers whenever i think about it. In the meeting today we were talking about who might have won and everyone suddenly looked at me.... i blurted out grade 11 because i didn't know what to say. It ended up being grade 9! We rock.... Yeah so that was great. During PE we did our very last orienteering class and before that in foods, we had a substitute. So i guess today was a pretty good day all around except for the whole being tired part. If all days were like this i wouldn't live to see the sunrise (the next day). Of course i am over case you take it the wrong way..... Yup so see yea tomorrow then.
Monday, March 22, 2010
T3Blog24 Good Monday
GoodNight! .... I'm not saying good-bye, but there isn't really any other way to greet someone in the night now is there? Anyways, i only went to two classes today because i had a doctors appointment. The last two blocks, english and science, were missed. I got to Ms. Ojolic, but i didn't find ms. Tang so i can't really hand in my note yet. Actually Ms. Ojolic didn't really need a note, so i only have to get it signed by Ms. Tang. I don't think i missed much because apparently the only homework in english is what was due today (because everyone got the criteria wrong) and in science the booklet isn't due until later. Anyways, the first two blocks of school were good. French test first thing in the morning wasn't pleasant, i think i did well though. Enough for that A i'm maintaining. After the 80 minutes long french test, i had math. We moved on to more enriched things, but i got an hour long session with my mom that cleared pretty much everything up. I think i won't fail math this time. Everything seems to be under control now. I think that's a good sign. Maybe i just don't have as much homework though. Anyways, after school i finished my math homework (one of the few times i finish it the day it was assigned), i also worked on the socials debate, and did half of 12. 4 CYU. Now i think i'm going to sleep early or maybe read before i sleep. I like this Monday......
Sunday, March 21, 2010
t3Blog23 Pondering.
Hello! So today i've been pondering. Yes, pondering many things. Actually it's mostly about my future. I was talking to one of my friends who completely detests middle years, pre-IB, IB and basically anything that includes smart people....he has a stereotype for us people. He thinks that people in IB and MY think they are better than people in the normal program and that they only go into these programs to show how smart they are to people. I told him he's got it completely wrong, but he's stubborn and won't change his opinion. At least he doesn't think that about me. Anyways, what he was saying got me thinking about my future in Pre-IB and eventually IB. I don't want it to be "torture" according to him. I really doubt it'll be i mean my cousin survived didn't she? I'm not having seconds doubts, but i'm just pondering about what i've gotten myself into. I'm still going through with it, but in the end will it make a difference. Well I guess it will, but again is it worth it? My cousin told me that they say right in the beginning that you can live without sleep so don't go complaining to them that your not getting enough. Scary things for a ninth grader to hear......Anyways, i must go i want to get all the sleep i can before it ends.
T3Blog22 Sleep
Guess what time i woke up? 1:30!!!!! I know it was soooooo late, but what can i say i am a late sleeper. That goes both ways, in the morning and at night. Anyways, this day was good, did some science homework and basically didn't have time for anything else. Actually it wasn't that i had no time for anything else, but it was more that i was lazy and didn't want to finish anything else. After managing to finish my 12.4 CYU my family and I went to my cousins house for a little visit. We haven't gone to their house in a while. It was also fun......what else can i say? Umm......Yeah so anyways i'll go now.
T3(supero3)Blog21 Strike!
Hello! So i am so glad this week is over. When the final bell rang i was ecstatic because i didn't have to do anymore homework! Yayyyy....So anyways, today in foods we watched this video about sugar. Then we took notes and then we talked for the rest of the time. PE was okay.... table tennis all class long! At least we didn't have to run around this time. I think next class we have to run all class long though.....there's always a catch. In socials we went to the mac lab! It was so much fun. We have another debate to practice and make a speech for. I hope my group wins, but who knows what the outcome will be. Anyways, we haven't really gotten many points yet but i'm hoping.....Yup so after that was applied skills. Okay so the whole seating plan worked with the noise and we are paying much more attention in class, but i still don't like it. The movie is okay and the questions i can handle, but the seating plan!!! It's driving me to the extent of........boredom. Not really something i want to experience during applied skills......the one subject i like.
Let us have our freedom!!!! Let us have our own seats!!!!! This isn't synergy, this is dictatorship!!!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
T3Blog20 Vow Of Silence
Since it was the vow of Silence i am writing Thursday's blog today (Friday). Yesterday, I was lazy after school because i was tired after track practice. It's the first one i've been to and It was brutal. Anyways, in english we learned about diction, imagery, and basically analyzing poems. We have to write a pastoral poem for homework. I've already finished! I finished it yesterday while watching TV. My poem is about this person who is dead (it's actually not that sad of a poem) and looking back at their life and how fun it is. Later on they start missing their life and in the end they end up thinking about all the things they did and didn't get to do. Anyways, that's done and out of the way so now i can focus on other things. We got our marks in science and I'm getting 85.8 i hope Ms. Tang bumps me up to an A. Hopefully...... It's sooooo close! We took more notes and watched more videos in science. I'm hoping that science project we have counts for a lot so that even if i do get a B i can get good marks on the project and get bumped up for term three. Math was confusing. We started the enriched part of the enriched 9 math class...... I gotta tell you i didn't understand anything at all. I'll need to spend a few hours getting the concept down. We have homework too so that should be good practice. During the last class of the day we got our marks and reviewed the whole chapter for the test on Monday. So far my marks for day 2 are 90%- French, 79% Math, you already know science, and 90 something in English. Pretty good for the second report card. Anyways i must go.... bye!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
T3Blog19 In Short...
OKay so Today's Summary Is....
Foods = macaroni lab
--- seating changes = yikes (new partners are okay)
---- macaroni was bland -> added salt + pepper -> didn't help much
PE = Orienteering + Table Tennis
---- When will it end??? 2 more class!!! Nooooo
----- beat ppl + lost to ppl in table tennis
---- running up hill sucks BUT easier to go to places this time
SOCIALS --- Presentation = Agent of change
----finished off presentation, got good marks (thanx to Jassica, Shania, Wayne, and William!)
---- Going to debate- team = Jian Vern + Allen
--- topic = increase wages to 10$
App Skills -- MOvie Time and Seating Plan.....wait.....what?
---- Seating PLan doesn't work with us (speaking for whole class)
---- We should sit in our own seats!
---- Movie....better i method is good
---- Universal Music like Langauge (way to go Ben!)
After School
---Ran Around Langara w/ dog + cousin
Did homework....
Foods = macaroni lab
--- seating changes = yikes (new partners are okay)
---- macaroni was bland -> added salt + pepper -> didn't help much
PE = Orienteering + Table Tennis
---- When will it end??? 2 more class!!! Nooooo
----- beat ppl + lost to ppl in table tennis
---- running up hill sucks BUT easier to go to places this time
SOCIALS --- Presentation = Agent of change
----finished off presentation, got good marks (thanx to Jassica, Shania, Wayne, and William!)
---- Going to debate- team = Jian Vern + Allen
--- topic = increase wages to 10$
App Skills -- MOvie Time and Seating Plan.....wait.....what?
---- Seating PLan doesn't work with us (speaking for whole class)
---- We should sit in our own seats!
---- Movie....better i method is good
---- Universal Music like Langauge (way to go Ben!)
After School
---Ran Around Langara w/ dog + cousin
Did homework....
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Another nameless blog... Anyways, in french we ended our very long- 1 term long in fact- chapter. On Monday we're going to have a huge chapter test and I'm studying all this week to prepare for least i hope I do or else I'm in trouble. In Math we had math homework, but i didn't get to finish all of it, it's a good thing we have next class to finish it off as well because apparently we're a section ahead of the other class. Math was one of the only things i actually studied during break. I think i understand the chapter so far. Hopefully it doesn't get any harder than what it's like right now. Anyways, after math i had a filling lunch and then during science we watched two very dull videos. They were basically reviews of what we learned in applied skills first term. So anyways, Ms. Tang tells us that we have a science project about our current unit so that should be fun. Gosh i just want the term to end! Anyways, english was fun, We got to write our own poems as well as fill in a bunch of worksheets. The worksheets we somewhat of a pain, but I didn't really mind. I like poetry. Anyways, i didn't sleep again after school, but i didn't start any homework until 9 so i think that makes up for the lack of sleep. Anyways, i must go i'm going to be sleeping earlier today!! Yayyy!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Hi Mr.Olson. I noticed i usually don't address you in my blogs.....don't know why. So anyways, today there was a demo in foods and we took some notes and basically that's it..... PE = Orienteering. NOpe it hasn't ended yet. I'm getting pretty tired of it, i don't like running around and getting all muddy because of the mud. Ping Pong gets pretty boring after a while too. Not the best sport in the world. In socials we did our presentations and i think i did well. Except for the whole presenting part....i should've looked up more.....Anyways, we also watched the starting to this story about this guy whole gets sent to jail for 19 years for stealing a piece of bread and how this bishop or priest does something nice for him when he is finally out of prison. We only watched eleven minutes though, and we're probably not going to finish it ( i hope though). Finally in applied skills we watched a movie. I really wanted to watch that movie, i just forgot the title of the movie. Umm.....Oooh right the Shining! The movie we watched today was okay, but after a while all that knowledge they try to fill our brains with isn't going to sink in. I was interested at first, but it's the same concept repeated over and over. We are connected to music, We get it! Gosh, the movie/ educational film would have been better if they moved on about other aspects of science and music. I guess we'll have to watch this movie before the shining because you'll want us to listen to the music they use in the movie, or maybe there is no music and that makes it all the more scarier. I have no idea i actually haven't watched the movie yet. After school i slept for an hour, it was a nice nap. Then i did homework and here i am. K bye
Wayyyy passed my bedtime.....(kidding i don't actually have one).
Wayyyy passed my bedtime.....(kidding i don't actually have one).
Sunday, March 14, 2010
T3Blog16 Late Nighter, But THEY e-mailed back!
Hello. I"ll tell you who THEY is later on in the blog. Today i woke up nice and late, trying to make the most of my last day. After a slow morning breakfast, my mom and I went to downtown. Again i was making the most of my last day. We bought some clothes, the usual. When we came back i did nothing for a few hours and then suddenly it was 9 o'clock and i still had to type out my socials speech thingy. So i set to work typing away and when i finished i was tired. BUT i still had to write this blog. It's a good thing i decided not to skip the blog and write it tomorrow because if i hadn't checked my gmail today i wouldn't have found out that the people i had e-mailed at the orphanage in Nepal e-mailed back! I was so happy.....if only you'd seen my face. Anyways, they thanked me for wanting to donate (hand made) hats and gave me there address. Now all i have to do is send them over. I hope the kids over there like the hats.......if they don't i will be quite disappointed. Maybe i'll even send some scarves know it get's pretty cold in Nepal, especially the places that are at higher altitudes. Anyways, i was happy. I showed my mom and she was happy......We're all before i go giddy with joy i'll end this blog....i need to brush.
T3Blog15 2 day's left
Hi......i don't want the break to end!!! Wahhh.......Today i woke up extremely late, i also watched a lot of TV. My day basically started after i went around Langara with my cousin. I came back at around 5 (because we left at 4:30) and then i finished my bibliography for the socials project. I'm glad the bibliographies out of the way. After that my friend invited my to her house to watch "Where the Wild things Are" I thought the movie could have been better. I mean i think they could have explained the story more. It was a guess throughout the whole thing. If you haven't watched it i won't spoil it for you, but i don't think it's worth renting. When i came back i wanted to finish off some more homework, but it didn't happen. I still have science homework i could be doing. I also have a french test, but that's the second week back. I plan on studying all next week for it. Today there was also a time change. Or maybe it's going to be tomorrow. I don't know when, but i know it's this weekend. So now i have to wake up an hour earlier before going to school.....doesn't that suck.
T3(Super2)Blog14 Hat Donations Abroad.
Gello again! .....Opp's i mean Hello again. So today i did a lot of work. It's Friday today and as you know the week is almost over!!.....ooooh nooo......Anyways, i did a lot of work today. I did a bit of math review and started on my bibliography for my socials project and most importantly I created my hat gift things which i'm going to send to an orphanage somewhere in the world. I decided to send them to an orphanage in Nepal. It gets pretty cold in Nepal and it's also a pretty poor place, they probably don't have recreational stuff. Anyways, I did some research and sent an e-mail to the orphanage, i hope they e-mail back! Actually i not only hope they e-mail back because i want them to know i gave them the hats, but also because i need their address..... Anyways, i told my mom and now she's all excited about it, i think i might slip in a few of my brothers teddy bears.....Do they have teddy bears there? Well if they had a website they must have a ......hmm... i have no idea. Anyways, i've got a lot of planning to do to mail the package......
Friday, March 12, 2010
T3Blog13 Singing in the Rain.
We all woke up at 12 today! My brother and I stayed at my cousins house until about 6pm. The only thing we did at her house today was walk outside in the rain. It's one of those memories that you'll forget when you grow up, but it was a fun time. By the end of the walk it was pouring outside and we were drenched through out jackets. After eating and drinking english tea at my cousins house we finally went home. At home i watched a few Indian Comedy shows, ate dinner, and waited for time to go by. Now i wish i had started this blog earlier. I still need to brush! Kk. Bye then.
T3Blog12 Nothingness is gone
I didn't not do nothing today! If that means....i did something....then i did something.
First thing in the morning i woke up at 8 and worked on English again. After eating breakfast and waking my brother up i called my cousin and we all walked around Langara. DJ (my dog) came along as well. He wasn't tired at all after it. After the run, i finished most of my socials project, i just need to print it out and practice speaking (which probably won't happen). After almost finish socials I ate dinner then packed my things to go to a sleep over to my cousins house. We (including my brother) stayed up till 3 in the morning watching a movie. It was a really bad movie, we watched it because we wanted to make fun of it. It's one of those weird things i do. Anyways, even though a did many things today this blog has been one of the shortest of the week. Hmmm....quite bizarre.
First thing in the morning i woke up at 8 and worked on English again. After eating breakfast and waking my brother up i called my cousin and we all walked around Langara. DJ (my dog) came along as well. He wasn't tired at all after it. After the run, i finished most of my socials project, i just need to print it out and practice speaking (which probably won't happen). After almost finish socials I ate dinner then packed my things to go to a sleep over to my cousins house. We (including my brother) stayed up till 3 in the morning watching a movie. It was a really bad movie, we watched it because we wanted to make fun of it. It's one of those weird things i do. Anyways, even though a did many things today this blog has been one of the shortest of the week. Hmmm....quite bizarre.
T3Blog11 Dentist
Hello! I"m alive! I mean i'm awake, not like my last few blogs. If you noticed i wrote those at around midnight. Although today i'm writing on midnight too, but i'm awake today. There is a big difference. So anyways, dentist wasn't that big of a deal. I thought there would be a huge appointment, but it was only 15 minutes long. The dentist basically kept reminding how expensive the braces were and how i should not waste money and always wear my retainers. I do wear them quite often, just not always. So anyways, after that i went home and did some english homework ---i was so proud of myself----. I also ended up finishing 2 sections of notes for science (12.1 and 12.2). They were the longest sections ever. It took me longer than usual or maybe it felt longer because i'm still in my spring break mode. My brain doesn't work as fast. After science i watched more TV and here i am! ...... Okay my brother wants me to play with him so i must go.
T3Blog10 Laziness has come (spring break day 3)
So your probably getting pretty bored by reading this but......I didn't do much today either.
Woke up late yet again. This time i stayed in bed for about an hour just listening to my brother watch TV. Well i actually listened to the TV while my brother watched it.
After the ordinary morning routines i was back on the couch watching TV. I have missed TV during these past few weeks. It's been a missing piece in my life, just like the cell phone. Anyways, after the few hours of TV i went to the store with my mom and we bought groceries. Then we came home and i was back on the couch. It was a very fun day filled with gaps of boredome when there was nothing coming on TV. Anyways i should go now i'm going to wake up early tomorrow! I know shocker right? It's because i have to not because i want to. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow morning at 9.
So early.....
Woke up late yet again. This time i stayed in bed for about an hour just listening to my brother watch TV. Well i actually listened to the TV while my brother watched it.
After the ordinary morning routines i was back on the couch watching TV. I have missed TV during these past few weeks. It's been a missing piece in my life, just like the cell phone. Anyways, after the few hours of TV i went to the store with my mom and we bought groceries. Then we came home and i was back on the couch. It was a very fun day filled with gaps of boredome when there was nothing coming on TV. Anyways i should go now i'm going to wake up early tomorrow! I know shocker right? It's because i have to not because i want to. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow morning at 9.
So early.....
T3Blog09 Nothingness X 2
So i think it'll be easier to guess what i did today....
Yes that's right! Nothing!
Woke up at 12 again. And according to my brother i brushed before him....but that knowledge you didn't need to know. I have nothing else to say!!!!
Hmm......I guess spring break isn't going so well since i haven't even glanced at my homework yet. I'll probably leave it till the last possible moment. And stay up till 12 on Sunday night.
I'm glad i have my new cell phone though! Feels like that missing part of me has come back. Lol. The puzzle is complete.
I think it's last enough to go to sleep now.....bye!
Yes that's right! Nothing!
Woke up at 12 again. And according to my brother i brushed before him....but that knowledge you didn't need to know. I have nothing else to say!!!!
Hmm......I guess spring break isn't going so well since i haven't even glanced at my homework yet. I'll probably leave it till the last possible moment. And stay up till 12 on Sunday night.
I'm glad i have my new cell phone though! Feels like that missing part of me has come back. Lol. The puzzle is complete.
I think it's last enough to go to sleep now.....bye!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
T3Blog08 spring break begins.
Guess what i did today? It's not hard........
Yup that's right i did nothing. Absolutely nothing!
Slept in till 12.
Watched A LOT of TV.
It lost it's boredom when i went to my brothers soccer class/practice.
He's not actually part of a team, but they don't exactly learn soccer either.....I don't know what to call it. So i ended up semi-coaching the kids today. There was one girl that just wouldn't stop talking......She didn't listen to i taught her a lesson....MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!
Kidding.....I just put in defense (she doesn't like defense). After his soccer i finally got a new phone! My phone is currently getting repaired by some stranger that i haven't seen. I hope he washed his hands........Or maybe he is a that case i'm not worried. NO Offence...
Anyways, i'm going now. Need to catch up on some TV.
Yup that's right i did nothing. Absolutely nothing!
Slept in till 12.
Watched A LOT of TV.
It lost it's boredom when i went to my brothers soccer class/practice.
He's not actually part of a team, but they don't exactly learn soccer either.....I don't know what to call it. So i ended up semi-coaching the kids today. There was one girl that just wouldn't stop talking......She didn't listen to i taught her a lesson....MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!
Kidding.....I just put in defense (she doesn't like defense). After his soccer i finally got a new phone! My phone is currently getting repaired by some stranger that i haven't seen. I hope he washed his hands........Or maybe he is a that case i'm not worried. NO Offence...
Anyways, i'm going now. Need to catch up on some TV.
No title today. I don't want to write any, just happy that it's finally spring break. Yaaay!! I didn't want today to be a hard day with homework for spring break, but it didn't turn out that way. The first thing that was suggested to do was study. Suggested because you can't make a student study, but if it's for a big unit french test then i guess most people will study. Math was even worse. We actually got homework! ..... Homework that we had to finish. I managed to finish it though!!! Skipping a few questions along the way. I'm planning on studying for math during the break because it'll probably help my grade. Then during science, well do i really need to explain my homework here? I mean obviously we got homework and obviously it was a lot. 12.1-12.4 notes + CYU + Flashcards up till then. And 6 worksheets. Why? I have no idea. Anyways, then last period; english. I handed in the poem that was due and then we were assigned a new assignment which is due on Monday night first day we come back. Although this may not seem like much it is a lot of stuff when you add it all together. Not to mention i still have to donate my hats and finish that socials project. Gosh! At least one thing was good about today...... DUN DUN DUN
I got into Pre-IB!!!@! yaaaaayyyyyy
I got into Pre-IB!!!@! yaaaaayyyyyy
Thursday, March 4, 2010
T3Blog06 Disappointed.
So today i got a ride from my mom to school. I wasn't late today. Before i went to my locker i went to look at the soccer team postings.....i didn't make it. It's so sad. Some of my friends didn't make it either.....but i really did want to be on the team. So sad......I guess today i was sort of sulking in the tragic news. In foods we had a short test that i know i didn't do well in. By "didn't do well" I mean i got a B. Most probably. PE was okay. I almost got lost during orienteering, but in tennis i had fun. I'm not that bad in tennis. Social Studies was a working class. We made yet another web this time about the industrial revolution. We ended class off on a good note though, Pictionary! I think that was the game......Anyways, the guys ended up winning, but it was still a great way to end a class. Now on the Applied skills. Gosh, i guess the only thing i can say is that i got a long way on my new hat. I finished it today in fact and i started another one. I have decided to donate my hats to an Orphanage. I just don't know of any local orphanages. I'll probably have to look online. Hope there's one in Vancouver or else i'll have to mail the hats. What's the fun in that? Unless i get a thank-you letter back.....that would be nice.....Anyways, i must go...i need to brush my teeth.
T3Blog05 Happy Times
Hello. Can't think of anything to say. I just want the week to end. Why won't it end??!?!?!? French presentation today: that was alright. Winnie was a bit too nervous. I think she let her nerves get the best of her on this one. Maybe she was nervous about the pronunciation of the words. She did spend a lot of time asking me how to pronounce things. Math = math homework. I don't want to do any homework! I only finish up until question 9, i hope we don't get any math homework next class. I wouldn't want to have math homework for spring break. Spring break should be a happy and relaxing time. Not time to catch up on homework.....Anyways, science = okay. We got a bunch of tests/ recent assignments back. I did really well on everything that came back, i hope it boosts me science mark. Anyways, english was fun we basically had time to work on our poetry poster. Now we have to write a poem about the topic we had to do on the poster. Mine is conceit. It's an elaborate poetic image or comparison between two very different things. Anyways, i must go i'm modeling for my cousins art project. Lol.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
T3Blog04 Only Tues.
Tired, Tired, Tired, Tired. Busy day. I had a foods lab where we made weird chocolate pudding that was too chocolaty. Then in PE we ran around in half rain half sunshine for 20 minutes. Then in socials studies we actually did work! And we have homework! ...... I don't like it. Finally in applied skills, when i hoped for some solitude and rest, i ended up roaming the school asking random people in the halls if they were in grade 11 and wanted trees. I don't know how i had enough strength to go to soccer try outs. Although soccer is fun. These were the last try outs before the coach, Mr Buime, choose who was going to be on the team. The results will be posted on Thursday though so i'll have to wait in anticipation until then. After a long soccer try out i went to volunteer at sunset. I actually haven't gone to volunteering in the past two weeks. I guess i've just been too busy. I've also been very tired. I'm glad tomorrow is collaborative planning day. After all that was over i basically dropped on the couch and stayed their until i realized i still had my blog and other homework to catch up on. Although since tomorrow is a colborative planning day i decided to wake up earlier and work on french. I think i even have to go early to meet Winnie, but i don't exactly know for sure. Ohh Well.....
Monday, March 1, 2010
T3Blog03 Count Down: 4 more days
There are four more days until spring break (not including today of course). Today day a day two though, sad i know. French, then math, science, and finally english. Four of the hardest subjects of grade 9 all in one day. French class was presentation time! Winnie and I were done, but we still had some revision to do. Our script isn't the best in the world, luckily we did not present today! I guess it'll all be next class then. I really don't want to have to do anything on Friday. That would extremely suck. Anyways, in math we started our POLYNOMIAL unit. so far it's pretty simple. At least i understand it.....So far. I'm going to review everything we learned in polynomials this week during spring break because i know i need the practice. Anyways, during science we had our HUGE, ENORMOUS, LARGE, SKYSCRAPER-ISH LONG, Unit C test. It was 100 questions! The fact there were so many questions was a real downer, but the test itself wasn't that hard. If you read the text book you would know it all. She also gave us time to make a mini cheat sheet to use, but i only needed it a few times. It didn't help much, which should be a good thing, but why waste so much time studying if your going to have a cheat sheet anyways? Oooh well, i hope i did well on this test. It could boost my mark up. Finally, the day ended on a bizarre note. We started our poetry unit with Ms. O....i don't know how to spell her name so it's Ms. O until i find out. We watched some crazy rap video's that had some very serious messages in them. We had to use our brains.....not a good thing during final block. Anyways, i'm going to try and sleep earlier today so see you!
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