Sunday, February 28, 2010

T3Blog01 Party!

Today was a great day. Why you may ask? Because no educational work has been accomplished and i spent the whole day with my friends. Not something i do very often. My friends birthday was last week but she decided to have her party today. So we all went to metrotown and watched Valentine's Day. We didn't actually want to watch it, our main plan was to watch Shutter Island, but the birthday girl and I had forgot our GoCards. Apparently you need to show them ID to tell them that you are in fact over 14. Seriously though do i look like i'm a 10 year old trying to get into a movie? I had my 8th grade Go Card, but they didn't accept it. Why did the people at the theatres suddenly have to become concerned with security today? Gosh, so anyways we watched Valentines Day. It wasn't that bad, but i would have had more fun watching Shutter Island. After the movie we went out to eat and an Indian Restaurant. We couldn't finish all our food though. There was too much! So my friends packed it and then i went ......nope not home.. I went to watch another movie! My parents decided to watch the indian movie in Theatres. So i watched two movies today. That second one was sad.....I couldn't help but tear up. Anyways i've got to go. Need sleep for tomorrow's soccer game.

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