Sunday, February 28, 2010

T2Blog88 No Title today.

So today was the last day 2 of the week. Many things happened today. In french class we had our last "practice/make" the presentation for our oral project. Winni and I only have about a page (barely). We really need to work on it over the weekend. It will probably be left until Sunday though because i'm busy on Saturday (i'm going to my friends birthday party). If your asking "What about Friday" i'm shaking my head and saying tisk tisk. You can't seriously expect me to do any work on Friday. After french was math. Since today was the big pascal math contest Mr. C decided to give us a break and watch the olympic figure skating long program. That was the best class today. In science we handed in a bunch of things and then had a quiz and then worked on science fair stuff. I keep forgetting to ask her about Shania and My logbook that has been missing for quite a while. I must remember to ask her next week. After science was the big debate in english. I don't think i did as well as i could have. My public speaking skills aren't good when it comes to speeches and debates. I think it's easier to debate in front of total strangers too. Maybe i'll figure out new methods to get over the stage fright. Anyways i'm sleepy and I'm almost done the bag so bye!

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