Tuesday, February 23, 2010

T2Blog86 Rain, Rain go away. Don't come back till another day

Hey! So it's raining outside and that just doesn't seem right. What happened to the sunshine, the splendid glimpse of a good summer to come? Whatever, all i wish is that tomorrow not be the same weather as today. I have soccer try outs and i would hate to run in the rain....It may seem fun, but it ain't. Anyways, today French was in the morning. I spent most of my french class finishing off what i thought was a science make your dream house project that was due today, but it wasn't due today. Turns out its due next class.....so much for all the time i spent working on it yesturday.Winnie and I also wrote about 2 sentences for our big french presentation next week. We only had 15 minutes so you have to give us some credit for writing anything at all. During math class we had this quiz (i hope it was a quiz) on the pascal test on Thursday. Speaking of which i have to go early on Thursday because i have to write the pascal test! Why? I don't want to wake up earlier than everyone else....I want to sleep in. Also during math i realized that Vania wasn't here and that i wasn't going to do my debate with mary, wayne and Vania because Vania wasn't here. So now i think we're going last next class. I wanted to go today though....even though i had way too much to say. I still need to shorten my speech to about 4 minutes so i can fit everything in. You see, i have 8 and a hlaf minutes of stuff to say, but only 8 minutes to say it. And about 2 minutes of that 8 that i have will need to be said other than the speech i have written, so i need to shorten my speech to 4 minutes because that's how long my main speech will be. And then i need to shorten my other Rebuttal speech down to 2 minutes. Not-including Points of Information (when someone stands up and asks you a question) I have way to much written. I'll be racing through my speech very fast.... My day ended with Carbon Challenge! So we finished the poster/graph today. It's all stuck up on the window and good. We need to add some more things to the legend, but i'm sure Iris could finish that off quickly. It's just a couple of things. I should go now. Need that 8 hours of sleep....

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