Tuesday, February 16, 2010

T2Blog79 Day 1 or Day 2?

I thought today was a Day 2!!!! I even brought all my day 2 stuff to school today! It's a good thing i wore runners to school, i wouldn't have had much fun playing volleyball in boots. I thought the first thing i had was french, but it was foods. Since last foods class was missed because of the AMC 10 contest i had to catch up on some homework that was missed. I managed to finish all of it though (it's usually just notes). We got our binders checked today, i took the time to actually organize mine, it took my 20 minutes!!! Too much time spent for binder inspection, but i did get 25 out of 25. I guess it was worth it in the long run. PE was awesome, volleyball rocks!! Social Studies was eh. I can't say i didn't like it, but it wasn't my favourite class either. We took notes, but at least i didn't have to use a lot of brain power for it. Applied skills was also eh. It brought back thoughts of Pre-IB and whether or not i would get it. Course planning..... There are so many choices !!! In the end i choose photography 10 for my half year course and film and TV production for the full year course. I'm also transferring out of enriched next year. It's not the program for me. Anyways, i should go......need sleep.

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