Wednesday, February 24, 2010

T2Blog87 Soccer Mania

I really am running out of titles for my blogs. Today was a major soccer day though. During my first try out for the 8/9 soccer team (because they didn't have enough grade 8's) i didn't do very well. I don't know why, but i felt like i wasn't trying hard enough or something was slowing me down. I think it was the grass, but i'm not one to blame. Seriously though the grass was so high and muddy that when you stuck your cleat in it would sink and when you stuck it out it would make this crazy noise that sounds like a plunger. Mr. Buime, if that's how you spell his name, is the coach and he cut try outs short because of the hockey game. Canada vs. Russia! We won!! Go Canada Go. Anyways, enough about tryouts, my day was tiring. In foods we did some sort of review for our quiz, but it didn't help much. In PE we started our orienteering unit where we go around the neighborhood and find things....Today it was fire hydrants. Half that class we did that and the other half we played table tennis. Not my best sport, but it's fun. After PE was Socials. We are starting our new unit but i don't know what it is. We had a class dedicated to disgusting today. Yes,'s this joke Mr.Martin told us. One of his students was talking a lot and when Mr. Martin asked what we was doing he replied "I'm Disgusting" instead of "i'm discussing." Anyways, we'll be laughing about that for a while. And finally applied skills, i worked on Mr.Zhuang's bag. I think its almost done.....I don't know how to end it though, Mary gave me the crash course, but i forgot what she said. That was the school day. Then at around 8 i went to soccer practice again. That was more fun than the try outs. Well bye then,

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