Thursday, February 18, 2010

T2Blog81 Lethargia strikes!

Did i spell lethargia right? I don't think so, anywho today = lazy day for me. I actually started out fine, woke up, walked to school, ran in PE. Somewhere after lunch though, it always gets me then. Social studies wasn't boring or anything (because socials is after lunch) but i think i'd be able to concentrate more if it were before lunch, or even first block. It doesn't work out when it's after lunch. On top of being just a big tired in socials i'm also almost always late for it nowadays. You see, because of the carbon challenge meetings i always leave Mr. Clark's room when the first bell rings and i have to walk to the other side of the school to get to me locker. 5 minutes just isn't enough. I also think mr. Martin is growing impatient with my constant tardiness. I asked eugene to tell him i'd be late, but he forgot. Speaking of carbon challenge, it is a big challenge for us to make that silly graph. Gosh, it's taking up so much time! When i signed up for carbon challenge i thought i'd be doing things with miny trees or handing things out, or even making postersl. A graph though? I don't know how it'll turn out this time. We actually aren't going with the whole graph idea this time. There's too much information to put on one graph so we're sort of showing the results in a chart. It should work out. We made all the plans for it during lunch so i don't think anything will go wrong. As for that darn bag we've got to make, i'm giving you a heads up i probably won't be able to learn how to make a bag in time. All those stitches and chains and whatever else. I only know how to start and make a basic chain. i went on the churchill website, but the instructions were all abreviated and i had to search up the words because i didn't know was ST meant. Apparently it's stitch. Who knew.

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