Thursday, February 4, 2010

T2Blog67 "Fun" Work

Yo. So, french was okay. I always feel sort of crowded in french class because, well, it is crowded. There isn't much space between the desks, especially when i'm trying to watch a video and there is someone right in front of me. So uncomfortable! Now that French is in the morning i am even more tired. Why? Well, I'm not a morning person. I'm more tired in the morning because i'm still trying to wake up and because it's the morning. I can't concentrate in the morning. It's impossible. I should have PE in the morning so that i don't have to use my brain as much. Waking up with a nice light jog is so much better than making up to a new language- and trying to learn it. Anyways, homework for this class = watch french tv! Any type of french TV really, i'm going to watch Ratatouille in french over the weekend. That's all i'm up to doing right now. Next class was math! We had a class long partner math quiz. That's right QUIZ. I reviewed math yesterday, but only for half an hour (it still made a difference though). When math ended......we didn't get any homework!!! Yay. That's more fun than fun work. Anyways, science was next. We did a that i comment, eh. Comme ci comme ca. Then we reviewed some questions from one of the worksheets we were assigned and then......we were assigned lab 10B to finish and basically the whole chapter to finish. I just have to finish the worksheets, flashcards, and lab 10B. Now english!!! I'm so happy about this. Mary and I have some great points for our argument and a lot of information to back them all up. We actually only have 3 points so far, but i'll probably think of one more. 4 is probably enough. Anyways, the work for english is fully write a point that you're going to present out. That will be fun because i've already had practice for debate and it's just fun.....Research is good, it's the presenting that can be the problem. Now other homework that i must finish = socials map of europe in 1812, foods sandwich poster, and applied skills hat making! So basically all the homework i have is "fun" work. The map and poster both have to do with drawing, which is fun. And Knitting is obviously fun. Science and Math (review) may be the only real work i have. Yay.

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