Monday, February 22, 2010

t2bLOG85 WOW, FORGOT to turn the capS OFF

I'm going to speed log today!!!! I'm currently brushing and very tired from finishing all my science homework (well most of it). DOn't ask how i brush and type, it's a mystery only i know the answer to. And no i can't type with one hand, well i can but it takes a while. So anywho, today was a day one and it was sooo tiring. First thing in the morning I had a lab that i didn't know i was going to make. We cooked soup and cheese sticks, not cooked.....created? Anyways, that was so filling that i didn't even need to have lunch. Right after foods i had my langara run, which i also didn't have a clue about. I beat my time by about a minute! So after that gut wrenching experience, since i had just eaten a half hour before the run, there was volleyball at lunch. My team made it to finals!! Apparently we're first ranking right now, but i haven't gone in a while. Because of .....certain carbon challenge meetings....After an awesome win in the volleyball game, i had my essay test! Napoleon was a tyrant and no one can say anything against it! Except for the people who choose reformer as their essay topic. Oooh no it's 11:03......I'm going to sleep in 2 minutes. Hopefully. Anyways, after that long horrifying essay test i went to applied skills. I really wanted to learn how to crochet today, and i did sort of. I took a 60 second crach course with Mary. She said i was a fast learner! Lol. OMG, i just said LOl, now you've got to know that i'm tired. Well See you later. Hope Mr. .....our principal (can't spell his name) stops breathing down your neck. The graph will get done don't worry.......

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