Thursday, February 11, 2010

T2(super)blog72 Triumf Fiasco

Hello! So our awesome field trip was today. I was a bit nervous about taking the bus at first, but after seeing that i had a map, a teacher, and came half an hour before the late people my worries were gone. I just didn't want to end up in downtown after school when we went back home. It was all good though. I printed out a bus route just in case though, so i was prepared! The tour of the particle accelerator was actually interesting, i thought it would be boring, but it wasn't. Or maybe the noise from all those machines drowned out my sense of boredom for the day. OR maybe i was too scared that the radiation would get me that i couldn't think about thoughts of boredom. Fun, stuff, that radiation is. Chemicals! Anyways, as you can see there are many pictures of the place, but you've probably already been there several times so you know what it looks like. I just wasn't feeling inspired about my super blog this week.

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