Sunday, February 7, 2010

T2blog70 Hello, Goodbye

So today reminded me of that song Hello Goodbye by the Beatles. Hello Sunday! Goodbye Sunday! It flew by so fast. It feels like no time at all went by between this morning and now. I think i may need a bit more time for the weekend because i didn't get to rest yet. Gosh, i need to stop procrastinating. I think my new weekend should be Thursday and Friday because i get less work done on those days than i do my weekend. Today i finished my science flashcards, science lab, studied for math, went to my soccer game, finished an english debate point of the topic, and also....calculated the survey results for the carbon challenge poster. I have to meet tomorrow morning for the carbon challenge thingy to pass out things to people....I think they're maps. Anyways, my day went along like that. After i came from my soccer game at 11 i just started working. And here i am writing my blog. Okay i've got to go now. Bye

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