Sunday, February 21, 2010

T2Blog83 Feb.20

February 20th happens to be a very important date. First of all it was a saturday! Hurray. That's not was also my parents aniversary today, but sadly we did nothing special. I think sitting at home watching TV was good enough for them. It's not that it's not an important day for them, it's just that my mom had work today and she wasn't in the mood to go anywhere. Anyways, third of all it was also my friend 15th birthday today. I never forget her birthday because it's on my parents anniversary day. And Vise Versa. I went to my friends house for her party at around 6:30. We watched a scary movie, it was actually scary. I think it was the Haunting in Cinnecticut. I would recommand it if you wanted to watch a scary movie one day. Anways, since i went to my friends house at 6, i came home at around 9 and finished my science lab11A. Now that i think about it i don't think i finished any other homework today. Darn. Well i;ve got to go bye.

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