Sunday, February 21, 2010

T2Blog84 Fun Stuff

Okay so today i woke up at around 10am to get ready for my soccer game. I wasn't up to going to it today, but i couldn't just not go. So i got ready and my dad dropped me off to the game. It was way to sunny outside, i do not like running when the sun is glaring down at my face. I especially don't like it when i have to run so much. I was in defence today and played all of first half withuth water. I had no idea i was dehydrated and when i went to get my water i found myself getting very dizzy. So i only played the last 20 minutes of the game instead of all of second half. Anyways, after that my family and i went to the richmond oval or that track and field place i went to last year for the track finals. There wasn't much there so we left within an hour. When i got home boy did i have some homework to catch up on. I finish the chapter review and 25 questions for science and i also made an outline for the essay test tomorrow. Now all i have to finish is the house project and i think maybe chapter C review. 43 question of pain = the Chapter C review. I totally forgot i had to finish it until today. Talk about memory loss. Anyways, i need my sleep now. Bye!

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