Monday, February 8, 2010

T2Blog71 And the day goes on

Time never stops, even if it did we wouldn't notice. If time stopped everyone would be frozen, right? Because we wouldn't be able to travel through time anymore. If that were the case even if time stopped it wouldn't make a difference to the person it affected. Other than maybe they grew a few hours older. So I'm not going to wish time stopped. That would be stupid. I guess i could wish time went slower, but then homework really would be a pain. Although birthday party's would last so much longer! So anyways, today's blog is going to be short.....I studied for math a lot with my mom and lost track of time. I need to sleep!! Today, this whole week in fact, i have much homework. I have to study for the math test on Wednesday, review french, finish my foods project for tomorrow, science- don't get me started-, and the debates for english are starting on Wednesday!! Too much stuff. I don't have half of it done. I still have much to study for math and i have to write a lot of english still. Tomorrow i'm also working on science fair with Shania and i've been awake since 6 am because i was helping pass out maps in the morning for the Carbon Challenge. The day was actually fun, but the prospect of going home and doing work isn't nice. Blah. I must brush now, see you tomorrow at Triumf!

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