Sunday, March 14, 2010

T3Blog16 Late Nighter, But THEY e-mailed back!

Hello. I"ll tell you who THEY is later on in the blog. Today i woke up nice and late, trying to make the most of my last day. After a slow morning breakfast, my mom and I went to downtown. Again i was making the most of my last day. We bought some clothes, the usual. When we came back i did nothing for a few hours and then suddenly it was 9 o'clock and i still had to type out my socials speech thingy. So i set to work typing away and when i finished i was tired. BUT i still had to write this blog. It's a good thing i decided not to skip the blog and write it tomorrow because if i hadn't checked my gmail today i wouldn't have found out that the people i had e-mailed at the orphanage in Nepal e-mailed back! I was so happy.....if only you'd seen my face. Anyways, they thanked me for wanting to donate (hand made) hats and gave me there address. Now all i have to do is send them over. I hope the kids over there like the hats.......if they don't i will be quite disappointed. Maybe i'll even send some scarves know it get's pretty cold in Nepal, especially the places that are at higher altitudes. Anyways, i was happy. I showed my mom and she was happy......We're all before i go giddy with joy i'll end this blog....i need to brush.

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