Hello! Welcome to the 2001: A Space Odyssey super blog. The pictures you see before you are both images from the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. The first one- the sun rising over a black object- is the central theme behind the movie. At first, when humans were still ape-like creatures, they came upon a phenomenal object. This object (the black rectangular thing in the picture) did not reflect light. This means it was absolutely black and the ape-like creatures were stunned. After seeing the object one ape finds some bones of an animal and learns how to use "apes/mans first weapon/tool". With this weapon/tool he defeats the leader ape of another tribe and the other apes get the watering hole!
In the second picture there is an astronaut walking in some sort of walk-way or chamber. This chamber happens to be completely symmetrical and the main focus of it is to point out the astronaut in the center. So far- up until the part when the humans in the present time in the movie find the same phenomenal object- the movie has been vague. It keeps you guessing about what the movie really is about. You have to keep watching and gathering clues.......I think this is the type of movie which reveals its true intent at the very end. "I wonder", "What If", and "What's that" are probably a lot of phrases said during the movie. Anyways, when the movie ends i'll give my point of view, until then here is a short recap of my day.....
So my day started out normally. First was applied skills, as you can read from the text above. Socials studies wasn't how it was supossed to be. Apparently we weren't supposed to have an assembly today so.....we still had to work in class. Our assembly is on Monday.........During this weekend i really must take notes for the socials essay test- 1st one this year!!!! Volleyball at lunch was fun. I don't really know if we won because the scoring got all messed up, but i don't really mind. PE.......sore muscles.....not very strong......at least i'm good at the vault. And finally. Foods! Today was our huge foods test and i think i did well. As well as anyone could've done. Ms. McConnon only puts general knowledge question on the tests so they are easy to study for. Anyways i must go.....need to finish my math homework.
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